[New Citizens]Your Wellness is Our Lifeline

Day 932, 07:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

There's a lot to take in when you log in to Erepublik. With the newest set of rule changes, new citizens start at 100 wellness, but on their second day, they unlock the ability to fight. This often hurts the wellness of a new citizen, as the first time they fight, they may not find the hospital. Then, they've just lost anywhere from 50-70 wellness depending on how many times they fought, and since they neither have the Gold to buy Wellness Packs nor can they get more than 10 Gifts per day, their account is going to be in serious trouble.

And so is our economy.

For newer citizens who may not understand the concept, your wellness affects how much you produce. For anyone working above Q1, your productivity is severely hampered by low wellness, and producing anything beneath 1 unit of a product in a higher Q company (ie a weapon, a gift, or a Moving Ticket) costs a General Manager quite a bit of money in the long run, as your production isn't worth your salary.

So here's a small outline for new citizens on where to work, or perhaps an outline for you older ones (level 14 and above) who need some help:

For New Citizens:

1. Don't work in any job higher than Quality 1 (1 Star)
2. On your second day, to get your experience, only fight if you live in London. It's the only region with a hospital, and the only one which you can recover your wellness.
3. Once/If you fight, click on your region (in your profile) if the link for the hospital doesn't come up on the battle page. It will show you the "Heal" option.
If you do fight, you MUST heal the same day. You can only recover the wellness you have lost on that current day, and once day change rolls over, you will be unable to use it.
4. Working in Q1, buy Q3 food with your new citizen fee, until you hit Skill 2 or above and get a new job (in the private sector).

Once you reach skill 4+, you should be able to find a decent paying job, which you can buy higher quality food rather easily. At the moment, I would recommend Construction or Land, but the skills that are most desirable rotate depending on how many new citizens are training in that area. Next week it could be different.

For Older Citizens:

If you're older, and for some reason have low wellness:

1. Work in Q1 only. You will not produce much product and will be very costly to GMs if you try to work at your own skill level.
2. Buy Q5 food, or go to the Forums and someone should be able to help you out. Use Q5 and try to get your wellness up to 80 before returning to your own skill level.
3. Do not try to use the Hospital trick to heal. You can no longer recover wellness from previous days like we used to.

These days, our economy is fragile as it is. Please help us, to help you. As always for newer citizens or those in need, there's always the British Gifting Hub run by the awesome folks in the Ministry of Home Affairs, or contact me and I'll do what I can to help.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy