[MoSW] eMalaysian Survey result and analysis.

Day 2,158, 01:52 Published in Malaysia Montenegro by HummingBird2013
Salam and Hi to all eMalaysian citizens.

Sadly , after the survey , I only managed to get 36 responses which includes me. Are we that inactive? But anyway , I hope to see more coming. Will do some data collection again sometime soon. Maybe this is not a best approach to gather intelligent data.

Here the info that i gather so far

1. Player age range

2. State of Origin

3. Activeness

4. Time Spent

Based on the other question , Here a summary of it.

What do you want to see in eMalaysian Goverment structure?

- More supply and information for newbie
- Congress
- Solid allies and Gov member
- Mutual understanding
- MU leader start taking charge and help build solid MU team
- Newbie Guide

Any suggestion to improve our eMalaysian?

- Babyboom , invite more , teach more
- A closer group initiative like Facebook page , forum or even gathering
- Help more newbies and promote the eMalaysia
- Structural gov and region
- Supply and money Help ( where possible )
- Open discussion ( forum or page is suitable )

Since there is a facebook page for eMy , plz share with me the activeness of the group or i will create a new one and we start from there.
We can implement forum like pages.

Any suggestion?

Signing Off