[MOO] Official MOO Party President Voting Orders

Day 1,456, 08:39 Published in Canada India by Mafanikio

Greetings eCanada.

This is a tough time in eCanada and the MOO, and we need you to vote for OLloyd for Party President on the 15th. In the last few weeks it has been rumored that Lego-kun was upset at Addy's ATO in the congressional election. Lego has worked hard to take over the Union Nationale. When that failed, he tried to keep them in the top 5, so he could get his crew elected to Congress in order to rob the treasury. If that failed, they could still approve more of their 'friends' as citizens and try again the next month.

It's our turn to stand up to Lego and tell him to go home. Vote for OLloyd, the official candidate for Party President of the MOO! Be patriotic and VOTE OLloyd! Remember, go to the MOO forums (http://erep.info/miniurl/21280a) for the latest information about this potential PTO.

In the next day or so Lego-kun is looking to see if we are ready and organized. We need to stick together and keep organized. Originally, Lego was going to PTO the CPP, but has since moved. He may move yet again, so be vigilant and don't waste your vote! MOO may need it to keep the party out of the hands of foreigners, but once we are secure we may call on you to help cast your vote to protect the other eCanadian Parties! Keep your eyes open and report on the MOO forums anyone who is offering you food, weapons, CAD, or Gold for your vote!


The MOO Executive

Party President Candidate - OLloyd
Party Vice President - Mafanikio
Party Founder - Addy Lawrence

Director of Elections - Janos Leinport
Director of Policy - IronToader
Director of Recruitment - Yuri Kaczynski
Director of Media - ScreamingSlave
Party Builder - Plugson
Party Builder - Olafur Knutsson