***Money is the Root of all Evil***

Day 448, 13:39 Published in USA USA by Uncle Sam

Before I begin, I want to make a quick update on Cabinet.

Department of Fun :: The Supernatural
sorry I forgot to mention you there bud 😕

Also, Donovantor will be on the economic council. and now on with the article...


The American people have problems without economy. They are angry at the high taxes, company owners are struggling with lower market prices. At times like these, I'd like to refresh everyone of what can and what does benefit the economy, if used properly, and also, why money is the root of all evil. As stated many times in my campaign, we as American people must adjust to different situations, and it is no different in the economy. I'm fairly sure that in no time during our past did we have do deal with the loss of treasury funds, so we adapt and take appropriate action, which in this case was to raise taxes.

Taxation, the Government and You
Recently we have seen a new proposal to lower the Food Tax, which looks great for the American population. On the other side it doesn't look so great for the government. Here's a bit of what people need to understand about the taxes and our current situation. if we do not have enough funds in the treasury, then the government isn't able to provide many services to the American people. Since our treasury was emptied, we have a lack of funds, and god forbid, if we get attacked, we won't have enough money to properly defend ourselves.

So I voted no to the proposal. Now this may come as a shock to most of you as the population no doubt enjoys lower taxes, and this new tax change is going to look godly in public image. You can argue all kinds of sides to this argument, and in retrospect, lowering the taxes to food is a good move. I still suggest that we have higher taxes on the other industries for a time for one main reason... The Treasury is still not replenished! This proposal was a bit premature and not much discussion took place over the matter in the forums before it was proposed, which I'm sure will contribute to a bit of friction in government in the future.

I have also proposed in congress that we raise some weapons taxes in the event that we do go to war. with war opening in a day, no doubt there will be some possible USA involvement, either through a direct attack on our soil, through MPPs or though an offensive of our own. In order to preserve the state on the treasury and dollar value, an increased VAT and income tax is in discussion, likely to be officially proposed soon.

For more in depth info on Tax policy, I strongly advice you read,
Justin's Article
Jewitt's Article

One situation where money has caused problems...

Trade Embargo with a Theocratic Country
You may also have noticed that I proposed a Trade Embargo with Switzerland, and there are a good portion of reasons for that. First off, they were taken over by the Theocratic Party, so what? Many people may argue that we're stifling business options by closing off markets with very low import taxes, but look at where all the money will end up. Their tax structure is designed to destroy all other companies that are not owned by Theocrats, and it's exactly what they're doing. Furthermore, Theocratic organizations and companies, the ones getting returns from the high taxes, are exporting to the USA. Not only has the Theocratic Party ruined the country that we fought to free not a couple months ago, but they're profiting off of our markets.

Thus I have proposed this embargo, which will prevent us from exporting to them (keeping us from building their coffers and assets) and keep them from exporting to us. Because of Theocratic action, the USA does not recognize Dio Brando as the President of Switzerland!

Two situations where money is causing problems...

Donations of the Recent Past and Near Future
about three days ago, when I was still organizing office, a sum of 31K USD was donated to the QMG. The purpose of this was to turn that USD into Gold by using Alchemy, better known as the monetary market. The issue that disturbs me is that I do not have direct oversight over the handling of these funds. While no doubt Kyle is managing his "budget" well, I'd still like to have a little oversight over transactions, which is why I'll be gaining access to the QMG organization. Hopefully this will go over without a hitch, as I believe it will, but it just happens to be...

A third situation where money has caused problems...

Also, I brought up the subject of donating some of the Treasury money to the new Federal Reserve that I alone have access to, Fort Knox. The reason behind this is, as mentioned earlier, War is on the horizon, and all precautions must be taken. I will not lie to the American people, as there have been grumblings that the USA is at risk of invasion. I feel it is better to be safe than sorry, which is why you may see a proposal to donate sums of money to Fort Knox in the near future.

Budget Cuts
In the midst of all this, we still need to make sure that the Treasury is at a high level in funds. Discussion in congress has been as follows. Reduced spending on construction is desired so that we are able to preserve Treasury integrity. Exporting of USA constructions is advised. With high taxes, the USA will expect high services, however this is not possible while the treasury is still being rebuilt. Once again, in the interest of preparing for the war that is imminent, most other government spending will be restricted unless it comes down to defending our own homeland.

A fourth situation where money causes problems...

Four major situations where money has caused problems for the USA, and no doubt, all the other issues in our country are somehow related to money. I would believe thie proves the thoery that money is indeed the root of all evil. Hopefully I've made that read on economics a bit more enjoyable and less painful to read than the previously longer article provided my Justinious, and unfortunately, myself.
-Uncle Sam-
President of the United States