[MoMS] Article Contest No. 2

Day 1,489, 16:57 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by av khan

Hello Everyone,

Time for Second Competition.

Today, there won't be any fixed topic.

Whatever you want to write about.

The Rules for taking part.

1. You must write the article within the 72 hours from now. The time as I proof read the article and reach this line is 16:00 December 18, Day 1489 of The New World.

2. There should be a mention of this article in your article. So more people would know.

3. Give the link of your article to me in pm or in comments.

4. If you are an ePakistani add the banner of MoMS. If from another nation. Just mention that this competition is being held by Ministry of Media and Social Affairs, ePakistan.

New Rule: As this time you can write on any topic. It should not be an official article or the article advertising any political party, Military Unit or candidates for elections etc. Or it should not be a part of the series of something that you write regularly. I hope I have covered all loop holes to stop lazy asses from getting in 😃

Click Me For The Banner! 😛

There will be 3 winners.

1. ePakistani with highest votes, having subscriptions less than 40.

2. ePakistani with highest votes, having subscriptions more than 40. There are very few of these, who are active and most of them are @ss holes with a lot of ego or they are 'Oh My God, I am such a busy man' (rolls my eyes) so in case none of them write I will split the prize into two and give em to the runners up of first and third category.

3. Writer from any country (even ePakistan or even if they are enemies in erepublik doesn't matter) whose article I think is the best. As there is such a diversity of subscription around the world depending on population. We can't possibly depend on votes.

There is no restriction that the article should be serious. You can make it funny as well. You can also write articles in Urdu but use Roman script instead of Persian.

Each of the winners would get 1000 PKR each. In case this contest ends up being a success unlike last time. I can request more budget for higher prizes in subsequent contests.

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Following Articles have been submitted for the competition

Redphienix's Guide to Inactivity.