[MoMC] Getting The Show On The Road

Day 1,362, 08:04 Published in Bulgaria Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Journalist : Ashwamedh

Hi all,

Apologies for my absence for a couple of days, I have been very busy with RL and could not get online and organise things sooner.

Let me cut to the chase quickly and start off with the most interesting bit.

I have not received any suggestions for the salary, so I have decided for now that it will be 3 Q5 weapons for each unique article written. Please note that the articles need to be true to the objectives of the program and not just some silly article for the heck of earning the salary! You can write more than 1 article a day, that is up to you.

Initially my thought had been to assign topics to the team to work on, but some of our hournalists have expressed a desire to write freelance on a topic that they prefer - which is perfectly fine by me as long as it is responsible media AND entertaining AND helps all Indian players to understand the game and the complexities of war and diplomacy.

Those that are not sure of a topic can message me and I shall respond back asap.


-- Every journalist must have the MoMC Banner on his article. I have created a temporary MoMC banner to include in every newspaper that is participating in the program. If anyone can come up with a better banner design, send it over to me and I shall publish it and put it up for a vote. The winner shall get a special prize and the banner will be finalised for the MoMC.

-- The only other requirement is to precede the article title with [MoMC] ... as I have done in this article.

For the foreign correspondents like sla_boyz, Val4aka and Fireredsky, please feel free to educate Indians about articles in your native nations in your native tongue that would be of interest.

And finally, this is the team for the MoMC program. If I have missed anyone out, please send me a pm and I shall update the list.

Abhyansha gupta
Maverick10 dodge knight
Shakti Rocks
Snehan Sur

The program begins as of now : )

All the best everybody!

jai hind!