[MoI] NZ Update

Day 1,425, 04:52 Published in New Zealand Ireland by Johnny jnr

Firstly, Congratulations to DaRKO 206on being elected country president for October. DaRKO 206 managed to beat Srnica by just over 30 votes. I also want to thank him for letting me continue as Minister of Information.

We are currently in a war with Australia, and have their regions of Tasmania and New South Wales. Keep up to date with the war and battle orders by subscribing to the MoD newspaper here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/mod-new-zealand-news-247254/1

In Congress
Some MPPS that were voted on by congress and past in the last week or so were-
-Iran (passed 34-1)
-Spain (passed 30-2)
-United Kingdom (passed 26-2)
-Serbia (passed 28-2)
-Poland (passed31-0)
-Republic of Macedonia (passed 29-3)
-Indonesia (passed 27-3)

A New Ctizen message was also passed, while a change to the the new citizen fee was rejected.

To finish with I want to wish the best of luck to the New Zealand rugby team who are taking on Australia in real life, in the Rugby World Cup semi-final.Best of Luck!!

Thanks Johnny,
Congressman for Otago
Minister of Infomation