[MoI] Ministry of the Interior update 内務省

Day 1,368, 22:39 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Hello there from the Ministry of the Interior. I'm just giving a status report for public review.

I'm contacting individuals I've identified as new Japanese citizens so that I can render assistance. My job is to try and steer you towards cooperation and success with our nation.

If you are a new player, fighting with food, or "food fighting" is an excellent way to gain experience faster, as well as to rank up militarily so that you do more damage/influence in each battle.

Also, please register on our national forum at nipponblog.net (It wil take a few days for your account there to be activated so you can post. Let me know when you register and you'll be eligable to recieve additional food from my ministry.

We also have an IRC at #eJapan and #eNippon
Our Military channel is #JIA. We'd love to see you there.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Minister of the Interior








PS: I just built another storage facility, if you are willing to assist me, please donate any food or money you'd like me to give to new players. I do have a rough ledger, so it will be accounted for.

If you know of any new players please send me their names and I will approach them.