[MoHA]Top 20 Most Loved eUKers

Day 906, 10:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association
This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe. We need your votes!
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A couple of days ago, we released a series of polls asking various questions, including:

Most Hated eUKer (Found here)
Most Loved eUKer
Most Influential eUKer
Most Over-Rated eUKer
Most Under-Rated eUKer

In this article, we'll be releasing the results of the Most Loved poll 😃

There were masses of people who recieved votes, but we decided to only publish the Top 20.

Top 20 Most Loved eUKers

1. Mr Woldy
2. RRNapier
3. Johnobrow
4. John Bartlett
5. Horice P Fossil
6. Jamesw
7. Scipio
8. Glorious Failure
9. Dodgy Dude
10. Bowen199
11. Bob Boblo
12. Jen MacLeod
13. Pensive
14. GlaDOS
15. Jan Svalbard
16. Jhorlin
17. Archerstorm
18. Bron
19. Craig Rossiter
20. Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

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