[MoHA] The Political Lower Top 5...

Day 2,139, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Beneath the top 5, you still have many other parties. So in this article we'll be looking at the ones which are positioned between 5th and 10th....

#6 - Every Single One/ESO
Founded - January 2011

ESO are the largest sub top 5 party. With 66 members, they are just less than 10 members from the top 5. They hold 3 congress seats (7.5😵. Which is more than any other sub top 5 party. This party used to be in top 5 before getting knocked out.

#7 - All Suggestions Welcome
Founded - July-August 2013

There is no point me explaining this one, this is a old party which was taken over, it makes no contributions to eUK politics. The party has 31 members and no congress seats. This party used to be in top 5 before it was taken over and was known as the RDP (Radical Democratic Party)

#8 - Worker's Rights Party/WRP
Founded - December 2011

The WRP is ranked at 8th with 28 members and 1 congress seat which makes of 2.5% of congress. Momentarily the WRP went into the top 5 before suffering a massive lost in members.

#9 - Social Liberal Party/SLP
Founded - August/September 2013

The newest party in the lower top 5. The Social Liberal Party has 18 members and 1 congress seat, making up 2.5% of congress.

#10 - The Skatalites
Founded - Early to Mid 2013?

The Skatalites are the smallest lower top 5 party. The Skatalites is the party of our current CP, WookieO. The party has 12 members and holds 1 congress seat (2.5😵.

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