[MoHA] FAP Games - Rubbish Racer [REPOST]

Day 2,138, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hey everyone,

Now the game isn’t called Rubbish Racer, it’s called City Racing but it really should be called Rubbish Racing for what it is. This game is free. So you can share all of the pain I’ve endured playing this game. It’s awful. Where do I start?

The Graphics

Truly the best part of the game. I say that in the loosest term possible. This game is quite old. It’s been up on softonic since 2009. But I reckon it’s been around for way more than that. When the game is loaded up. For it’s age (2005-8?). It’s not too bad, but really. It’s not great either.

Now I would take a screenshot of the game as I talk about things. But City Racing said no.

So here’s a screenshot of the game. Not very nice, as I’m sure you’d agree….

The game on full settings - I think!

The ‘Open’ World

It’s sort of open world, but it’s terrible. It’s really not worth exploring, the only incentive is some stunt jumps which give you pittance. Races just appear on the map, so you do need to traverse the map at times. But it’s got no real redeeming features to it.

The Story

Uh…. There isn’t one?

At the start of the game your rubbish car is messed up so you talk to a mechanic and he says that there are street races and you can challenge them and become the greatest racer (Pretty generic). That’s it!

No, I haven’t gone all the way up to first. I’d probably lose my sanity before then.

The Events

Right, the events are actually not too bad. There are blue flags on the map (Checkpoint races) and yellow flags on the map (Normal Races). Alongside that you can be a taxi driver. But i’ll move onto that in a different section.

I can grammarz

City Racing can’t into grammar. When you pick up a passenger as a taxi driver. You have a choice to pick them up, and then you have a option which says ‘let on foot goes’.

;_; Grammar has just died…..

RIP Grammar

The Creepy People….

Look at that person. Notice anything strange?

Maybe the fact the person has no skin!? Yep, they’re all like that.

Bad Physics & Handling

The handling is horrible. It does get better with upgrades. But it’s still below par, the physics aren’t great either :/.

The Fuzz

By this I don’t mean our glorious leader WookieO, I mean the police. You can kill those weird skinless people (Phew!) and you can get chased by the police. However both of these things are boring. With a stupid AI which just follows you into a river then can’t get out again. It has no excitement or thrill. They are hard to get away from though, and your car won’t make it away unscathed….

TOP TIP - Paint your car to get away from cops 🙂.

Dealers & Garages

You can get new cars at the dealer and you can paint, upgrade and repair your car at the garage. Atleast there’s some customisation.

So yeah, check out this horrible pile of crap. I’m not going to link it, because you probably don’t want to play it anyway. It’s boring. Really boring….

Thanks For Reading!

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