[MoHA Ad Dept] New Player Guide

Day 786, 12:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by MoHA Advertising Dept


This article, brought to you by the Ministry of Home Affairs Advertising Department, or MoHA Ad. Dept., will help you new players through the dull earlier ages of the game and help explain key aspects of the game to you. Once you reach the higher levels the game will become much more interesting and really opens itself to you. So here it is, photos I nicked from Polio (and some were mine), so praise him for most of the hard work!.

Where to start?

It essential to begin by getting a job, all you need to do is click on “My Places” and go to company.

- Apply for a job and begin working.
- Work gives you 1XP a day so it really does help, as well as being the most simpliest way to make money in the game.

- The higher your wellness is the more production you will do so that helps the economy and your wallet as many employers give more money for more productive employees.
- As you work your skill in that field increases, after a while it would have increased enough for you to apply for a new job, it is wise to check what is available to you, by clicking on “Market” and selecting Job Market.

What to do with your Money?

Initially, it is imperative that you spend your money on food, once you begin the game you will only need to buy Q1 food.

- (Q stands for Quality, the maximum is 5 and the minimum is 1)
- You need food because every day one item of food is removed from your inventory and replenishes a small amount of your health, if you don’t have any your health will not be recovered.
- Click Market and Marketplace. Next, click the food icon.

- At your level you start off with 50 wellness and five GBP so its best to get the highest quality food you can. I would recommend Quality 3, 4 or 5.
- Make sure you can afford it and have enough room in your inventory for it, then click buy.
- Automatic consumption will happen everyday so dont worry they will be used and make sure you have enough left.


“My Places” – Training. This raises your strength, which makes you a better fighter in battles.

- You can now train in four modes, however until you reach level 6 you can only choose the first one as you dont have any gold.
- Click "train".
- Training is essential if you wish to level up, fight better, be involved in military AND MANY MORE!


You can join a political party; make your decision based on how well their political views agree with your own.

- Click My Places and Party
- Theres a list of parties for you, click which ever one you want and click join.


Welness here is the same as in any game and like any other game if you run out of it you die. However, buying food is an easy way to keep your health up.

- At the beginning of every new day your health will rise depending on the quality of your food.
- When you fight in a war your health goes down, but you have the option to use the hospital.
- Q5 hospitals can raise your health by 50.
- You have to do atleast 1 fight first then you have access to the hospital.

Fighting & War

Our country can decide to go to war, if we have enough gold and it is proposed.

- If you are above level 5 you will be able to fight for our country.
- This is the time when you can spend your money on weapons or if you are in the armed forces you get them for free.
- Every time you fight the highest quality weapon will be removed from your inventory.
- To access a battle you can click on “See active wars list” on the training screen or click on a battle on your home screen.
- Click the battle and you will be taken to a screen, click fight.

- It is best to fight till you are between 40 and 50 wellness so you get the full benefits of hospital, if you are between 90 and 100 to begin with, fight 4 more times.
- Stop when you are between 40 to 50 wellness and return to battlefield.
- You want to heal, so click the link to go to hospital.
- You will be taken to a new screen, as you are in a Q5 hospital you will be healed 50, so click heal.
- And ther you are! Back in the 90's (Not year thought 😛 )

There's more on this in the guide to Game mechanics

Gold – This can be paid for in RL (Real Life) money, however you are given some as you proceed through the game at level 6 is the earliest and through various achievements such as Hard Worker Medals and Battle Hero Medals. It can be used to unlock various privileges and to buy health boxes or extra storage.

Newspaper – These are set up and ran by users, they don’t provide a profit and cost 2 gold to start yet they are good fun.

Moving Tickets – These are used to move to different regions, including ones in a different country. A higher quality means you lose less health when you move. If you want to fight in a war you can move to a country where there is an active battle. (remember to get two so you can come back afterwards)

Gifting – If you buy a gift, you can gift someone; if your gifted it increases your health slightly. If you need gifting most users are willing to do an exchange.

Voting – Your vote counts. When you are a high enough level you can vote for your president and members of congress.

Congress – These people can put forward proposals and vote on anything that has been proposed.

President – This person is in charge of the country; they make key decisions and can propose new laws and declare wars.


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On Behalf on the MoHA - WELCOME TO EREPUBLIK, And we hope this helps and you enjoy your new life!

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