[MoHA] A Guide to Achievements

Day 2,064, 10:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Achievements, medals, whatever you want to call them. They are nice shiny and show off your achievements to all your friends and can be the envy of your enemies. They also provide gold which is the major pull in truth.

The are awarded for a variety of actions which this article will seek to explain to you, don't be put off by the number of them they are all relatively straight forward.

Work hard and you could end up like Horice

Hard Worker

The hard worker achievement is earned for working 30 days in a row. So do try to work every day as the 5 gold it provides is a great way to supplement your normal wage.

Congress Member

Is awarded for being elected to Congress in the monthly elections, so get in touch with your Party President to get involved in the fun work of party politics.

Country President

Awarded for being elected Country President of a nation, one of the most prestigious jobs in the game.

Media Mogul

Awarded for reaching 1000 newspaper subscribers, so get writing if you enjoy the journalistic side of the game or just making people laugh.

Battle Hero

Awarded for reaching the highest war influence in a battle.

Campaign Hero

Awarded for reaching the highest war influence in a campaign.

Resistance Hero

Awarded for starting a successful resistance war that liberates the region.

Super Soldier

Awarded every time you advance 250 strength points, usually peoples first step on the ladder to military greatness.

Society Builder

Awarded for inviting 10 people to eRepublik and helping them reach level 10.


Awarded for defeating 25 enemies for 50 different countries.

Top Fighter

Awarded for having one of the the highest daily war influences in eRepublik for 30 different days.

True Patriot

Awarded for inflicting certain amounts of damage for your citizenship country.

Well I hope that helped clear up some of the basics from your profile page in erep, should you have any questions or need any help feel free to get in touch with me or anyone in the Ministry of Home Affairs team.

Thanks for reading!

Make sure you join the official UK forums!