[MoFA]Training Wars, Rebellions and Audio Updates!

Day 1,942, 16:10 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Hello and welcome to the third article by the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs! This article will aim to deliver to you the latest and most important news that has happened across the eWorld since the last news article. Just like the last article, we will start with the rather odd step of talking first about more domestic news with the on-going training war we currently have with Ireland.

As you may have seen if you’d read Blue And Evil’s latest article, you’d have seen that due to unforeseen circumstances in the south of Europe we will be ending the training war with Ireland as soon as possible. This is primarily due to what’s been happening in Europe. After Poland’s invasion into Russia, the diverted attention and damage gave rise to the opportunity for various wiped countries to RW their nation back onto the map. While there were many wars across Poland, Serbia saw their fair share too and as a consequence Croatia gained a foothold on the map once again and has started an offensive into Serbia. With the continued war in Russia and now this, we can’t hope to have this training war without significantly harming our damage output to our allies who are currently in some trouble.

So what else is going on in the eWorld?

As you can see from the map, Poland is the light pink colour and Russia is the orange/red type colour. The eagle eyed amongst you might notice that Poland is smack-bang in the middle of Russia. Russia managed to regain some ground after beating Poland in Leningrad and attacked north into Finland and Scandinavia leaving Poland in the middle of Russia without a border to any of their other regions. Poland managed to regained initiative and at the time of writing is attempting to take over Moscow from Russia to score a moral victory taking their RL capital if nothing else. Elsewhere, as I said Croatia managed to get a region back and attacked Serbia. Serbia have now turned the tables and are hitting back at Croatia’s lone region – though I highly doubt that Croatia will sit back and be quiet if they’re wiped once again.

Our own alliance has been bolstered too recently; ACT – Associated Countries of TWO – has seen Slovakia join its ranks after being voted in by the CPs of TWO and ACT. But it’s not ending there; Malaysia is also hoping to gain entry into the alliance and is currently in the process of applying too, though whether it gets in remains to be seen. Elsewhere in the ever changing world of alliances, CUA – Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina – are becoming more and more close to becoming a fully-fledged alliance. From what I’ve heard they’ve extended an invitation to Ireland causing the Irish government to conduct a referendum on which alliance they should join. While it may seem pretty innocent now, it may cause some issues down the line with Ireland and our pasts and with allies such as Venezuela and Chile in South America becoming embroiled in a war which would cause Ireland and us to potentially go to war too, ruining all progress put into trying to have a positive relationship with our Celtic neighbours over many months.

Speaking of South America, our friends Venezula are currently in the midst of a babyboom! As our allies, we urge you to help them by sending donations of food. To find out how you can help and how to donate, have a read of Kravenn's article here. Every little helps!

Lastly, we’re reintroducing FA Audio Updates! If you have a spare 9 minutes and want to hear about the worlds news (albeit slightly out of date at this point), then you should have a listen. You don’t even need to download anything; you can simply head over to John Baker’s fancy contraption and stream it straight from the website! Just click here, listen to myself and Jimbojoy discuss news by clicking right here and pressing the play button. If could give us feedback, we’re hoping to do this more often and would really appreciate it! Just don’t mention Jimbo saying Russia is in CoT, he really did mean pro-CoT and even said so in the practice before hand!

Thanks for reading once again, to save space in the article I’ve put the treaty between Poland and France at the bottom so you can read it if you choose to.

Thanks and see you on the other side,

Minister of Foreign Affairs