[MoFA] Survey Results

Day 1,784, 16:41 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

First, Congrats to BelatedDeath for winning 5 gold as entry number 70. We had 82 respondents to this survey, of which only 10% were found to be fraudulent so a pretty decent turnout of about 20% of the active Canadian population.

I’ll post the results first and then do some analysis thereof:


First Choice: 1st with 30%
Second Choice: 2nd with 20%
Least Favorite: tied 5th with 7%

Commentary: It seems that despite our exit from EDEN in May that fully half of Canadians are still interested in continuing some sort of relationship with our “traditional allies.” With movement by several Terran allies to the EDEN fold an EDEN realigning would be popular amongst most of Canada’s allies, but would leave Canada surrounded by CTRL countries and harm US/Canadian relations.

No Alliance

First Choice: 2nd with 27%
Second Choice: 3rd with 17%
Least Favorite: 3rd with 19%

Commentary: Another significant chunk of Canadians, representing again almost half, would prefer for us to deal with individual countries on an individual basis. The “Have your cake and eat it too” crowd should keep in mind that almost a 5th of Canadians would prefer to be in ONE rather than continue to scum around without an alliance, making it one of the more divisive options to follow.

Pro CTRL Independent Alliance

First Choice: 3rd with 17%
Second Choice: 1st with 25%
Least Favorite: tied 5th with 7%

Commentary: A smaller but still relatively large amount of the Canadian population would be pleased with a CTRL leaning independent bloc as Canada’s main diplomatic tie, but the amount of people who would be displeased with this configuration belies the fact that with CTRL-ALT on the ballot some “least favorite” votes were certainly split up between them. Still good news for pro-Americans looking for a vehicle to keep US/Canadian relations up.


First Choice: 4th with 11%
Second Choice: 6th with 8%
Least Favorite: 4th with 9%

Commentary: About a fifth of Canadians would be happy with an alliance with this northern block, probably a number hampered by both its irrelevancy and inability to protect Canada from any of its neighbors. However, it wouldn’t be an objectionable move, either to Canadians or to our present allies.


First Choice: 5th with 7%
Second Choice: 4th with 15%
Least Favorite: 1st with 29%

Commentary: Much like medicine, CTRL is easier to swallow when sugar coated with independence. Being an ALT, consequently, is a bitter pill for Canadians who have long prized foreign policy freedom. An purely theoretical metaphor, I would say though, since being the least favorite option also makes it the least likely.

Fellowship (exOne)

First Choice: 6th with 5%
Second Choice 7th with 4%
Least Favorite: 2nd with 24%

Commentary: Canadians do not want to be in ONE

Circle of Trust (CoT)

First Choice: 7th with 3%
Second Choice: 5th with 11%
Least Favorite: 7th with 5%

Commentary: Simultaneously the least loved and the least hated, our limited connections with CoT make such an alignment unlikely and not very useful but with Bulgaria and Switzerland a common reaction might be “well, it’s different.” I have no evidence of any groundswell of support for CoT Membership.

Overall Commentary:

EDEN is an hardly objectionable safe choice that puts us both with traditional allies but surrounded with CTRL countries hardly happy with us vigorously defending Portugal, Colombia et al. CTRL is an interesting choice that paradoxically puts us out of reach of either invasions or the possibility of a Canadian offensive without region swapping that would drain Canadian battle power. The other options are either completely objectionable, irrelevant, or at most mildly interesting. Canadians are on the same page as Canadian leaders: we have choices to make and only a few serious options.

Couple things I will say to the people who believe that friendly relations are possible with the United States if we go an EDEN-esque route.

1. When close allies are attacked by American allies (Spain primarily, maybe Poland) are we either going to risk American wrath by helping our allies to a significant degree or will we be cowardly by failing to do our utmost for our friends.

2. While the future of CTRL and its longevity is in doubt, Spain’s relationship with America is not. As long as there are issues with Spain and Portugal and Spain and Colombia we will find ourselves at loggerheads with our southern neighbors.

3. Being a half hearted friend leads to half hearted support. Not only did we piss off America with silly MPPs last month, but we found ourselves fighting against EDEN countries like Romania and Croatia. If we are fair-weather to our friends and allies, we can expect the same.