[MoFA] Pakistan's Cabinet of September 2010

Day 1,022, 07:26 Published in Hungary Pakistan by Badar Fateh Khan

Dear fellow citizens,

Here is Pakistan's Cabinet of September 2010:

President: Agabey
Prime Minister: pak_land
Minister Of Foriegn Affairs: Badar Fateh Khan
-Deputies: bozli, JonathanJoestar
Minister Of Defence: Policy
Minister Of Dioist Affairs: Collinar
Minister Of Social Affairs: Ahsan Shahbaz
-Deputies: JonathanJoestar, Shahrose Khan

Members Of The Economic Council (MEC):
Abu Zar, har103, kotekzot jr, Shahrose Khan

If you want to contact any person in government or anything then please come to #ePakistan on rizon.

If you want to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of ePakistan then please come to #epak.mofa

Thank you very much for your time!

Signed by,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of ePakistan
Badar Fateh Khan