[MoFA] October's news part 3: Canada - UK and Ireland - Belarus - USA - Congress

Day 1,804, 08:22 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Well, this part is a bit delayed following 2 events :
The first one is congress election. it is a bit hard to talk about results of these elections before the date and my crystal ball doesn’t work very well.
The second one was my last article : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-uk-and-its-allies-part-1-2145776/1/20

I found that it was important to make a brief summary about our allies. I know that all of them are not mentioned but it wasn’t possible to talk about all of them in an article without writing a long wall of text. So, be ready : there will be a part 2 on the following days.

PS : Followling last events, I thought that it was important to talk about the recents NE proposals between Ireland and UK and Belarus who is leaving Eden.
My apologies for this very long article

Now, let’s check several events who happened on the e-world on these last days.

Canada and Ireland merge ?

Not the most fresh news but there was some talks between these 2 countries about a possible merge. In that case, Canada should invade Ireland and these 2 countries will be under Canadian flag. Can it be possible : Maybe but a merge is not so easy to do.

There is several things that you need to know (and to do) before launching the process.
The 2 CP (and their staff) have secret talks, they must decide under which banner the 2 countries will be united, what to do with currencies, … Be ready to give Canadian citizenship to irishs, …

Once these talks are made, Congress arrived and they will vote about the proposal. Well, we will see on the following days if this merge will be effective or not.

Also, it is not the first time that there could be a merge on erepublik. On the past, there will be merge between
- UK and Belgium (in 200😎
- Netherlands and Belgium (in 2009) : this merge was made to prevent a political take-over in Belgium. The new country was called “United Netherlands” (UNL)
- Germany and Denmark (currently)

Even if a merge can be interesting on the paper, there is some dangers (I can talk about it because I’m born in UNL)
- Nationalism : not easy to live under a foreign banner. Ireland is a nation who quite proud of their country, it could be hard for some RL irishs to live under another banner (even a friend one)
- Politics : Canadians can probably prefer to see Irishs join their parties. But irishs can decide to stay together in a party.
- Resistance war : Once you conquer regions who are not your original ones. You will have people who will always try to launch resistance wars. It can be for the reward or to annoy the other country. In that case, you could see people who were against the merge fighting to have their country back.
- Babies : Even if the merge is effective, a baby who is born in Dublin will be Irish and not Canadian. It will be to Canada to give him their citizenship … or not.
- Citizenship : even if Ireland is not the country with the biggest amount of citizens, Canadian congress shouldn’t be able to give citizenship to all irish population on the first month.
For example : as UK congressmember, I can give citizenship to 4 people. It means that UK congress has 160 passes for this month.
You can easily understand that to give citizenship to every irish : it will take easily 4 months to canadian congress
- Length: Merge don’t last forever.

There is probably some other reasons but it is the main ones. Because I’m born on a merged country, it is an interessing experience but it can give more problems than it can resolve.
If Canada and Ireland merge into a new country : I can only wish them “good luck”

Relations between UK and Ireland

A bit after daychange on Day 1804, I had the surprise to see 2 alerts
“ Ireland has proposed United Kingdom as Natural Enemy and now it needs their Congress approval.”

“United Kingdom has proposed Ireland as Natural Enemy and now it needs the Congress approval. To place your vote you can access the law proposal page. “

If the irish proposal was at something like 6 yes for 7 no. The UK one was at 10-1.
Even if Ireland and UK are on different alliances : we want to maintain good relations between our 2 countries.
We know at on each congress, we have some rogue elected people, and most of them launches a proposal like a Natural Enemy law thinking that it can be fun, … and most of the time without the approval of their government.

I Informed Irish cabinet that UK has no intention to declare a war to Ireland. And we are making our best to reject the rogue proposal. On the same time, I was informed that several UK citizens already contacted Irish government and told them “UK Population wants a war : Vote YES, …”
We know who these people are and we say to Irish government and population of our 2 countries that they don’t represent UK government and most of UK people who contacted Irish government are more interested to put their own interest before country’s ones

I can’t be more clean when I say that eUK is not interested to have a war with Ireland. We know that Ireland is small and proud nation with good fighters and we totally respect them.

EDIT at 12.45 Erep time
Both proposal will be rejected
Irish one is at 10 YES for 19 NO
UK one is at 14 YES for 19 NO

PS : I would like to thank Irish vCP (Mirek12345) for his work on the management of these NE proposals

Belarus leaving Eden

Still on Day 1804, Belarus officially informed other countries that they leave Eden.
Their reasons are the following ones

1- Lot of Eden countries have their own wars and they are unable to help several countries like Belarus, …
2- Even if Eden Charter said "all members of the alliance are equal." They are thinking that it is false. On these last days : Belarus lost their last region and Eden priority was on Croatia (who has 14 regions). It means that Belarus wasn’t to have a congress. It is not the first time that they could observe something like that. That kind of situation is almost a daily one.

Source : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-eden-2146595/1/20 (in Russian)

We have no idea if Belarus will remain a proEden country or if they will switch. However, it can be interesting to keep an eye on them


Well, I talked a lot about USA. And congress elections are always hard there, mainly since they opened borders to almost everybody because they had all resources. If most players were totally honnest, some don’t. And now, USA can be under a political take-over.
On a side you have AFA (American Freedom Alliance) who is the PTOter party : they are composed with some RL americans + Macedonians + Romanians + Serbians + Croats + Frenchs, …
The common goal of this party is clearly take power but … by example Serbians and Croats have totally opposed goals. So it means that if AFA arrives to have White House : USA can be crippled.
On the other side, you have the 4 others parties who are forced to be together to fight against AFA.

Last month, AFA received 873 votes (over 3286) and elected 15 congress members.
This month, AFA received 867 votes (over 2805) and elected 19 congress members.

They are the only party who kept around the same amount of votes (when total voters decreased). It means that like last month : POTUS election will be between AFA against a common candidate from the 4 others parties. Like I said last month, we hope that USA will be able to reduce influence of AFA before it will be too late for them

On the same time, not yet their core regions but they have 3 fronts opened in Europa. 1 against Slovenia, another against Macedonia and the last one against Hungary. Even if American congress chose Hungary as Natural enemy, it means that each day : USA can lose 3 regions.
By experience, I can told you that even if USA have around 11.000 citizens, it is very hard to be able to keep all of your regions when you have 3 fronts.
The best proof is that since these wars are launched : USA already lost 7 regions.

Congress or not Congress

Last part of this MoFA news, and I will talk here about countries who have no congress on this moment. It is not due to admin’s fault, …
Well, to have a congress : your country must be able to keep at least a region from 23rd of the month (23.59 erep time) to 26th of the month (06.00). If this rule is broken : no congress.

Have a congress is quite important (whatever the size of your country) because :
- Congress members can propose to transfer money from country accounts to National orgs (like Bank of England)
- They can give citizenship to immigrants (unlike some can think : country president is unable to give citizenship)
- They can propose to change taxes (income - import taxes and VAT)
- They can (if needed) propose to impeach a president

So, several important things for every country.
On October 25 : the following countries have no congress : Albania, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Japan, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland and Ukraine.

Because we had no congress during 3 months in a row : we know that whatever if these countries are allied or opposed to eUK, it is never easy to be without congress. We wish that they will be able to organise congress elections on November 25 and especially for countries like Switzerland or Japan with who UK has good relations with them.

That’s all for today, see you in few days where I will publish part 2 of UK allies
