[MoFA] Ministry Update

Day 971, 16:41 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs
Citizens of eBelgium,

This week has been an exciting time for the Foreign Ministry. We recently kicked off our recruitment efforts to attract new ambassadors with a public media campaign and build an effective embassy system. So far we have had an excellent response and intend to continue these efforts in the coming weeks.

I would like to take a moment to welcome all of our newly-appointed ambassadors to the team. Congratulations and good luck on your new assignments!

Johannes Nuntiator - Germany
Scythed - United States
Georges Detremmerie - United Kingdom
Citizen Robespierre - Sweden
AlphaMFPEFM_Z - France

A special thanks to Citizen Robespierre for establishing a NEW eBelgian embassy in Sweden!

We are still looking for new ambassadors to join the team! If YOU are interested in becoming an ambassador please check out this article.

I would also like to take a moment to remind all current ambassadors who have not yet signed-in on the eBelgian forums for this month to do so ASAP. Until you sign in, you will be considered an "unconfirmed" ambassador and you are at risk of losing your appointment if somebody else becomes interested. This does not apply to our new ambassadors.

We are also in the process of testing out our new strategy of public diplomacy, in which ambassadors are encouraged to increase public exposure and understanding of eBelgium in their host countries though a number of tools such as greater interaction on national forums and IRC channels, as well as publishing background and current events information on eBelgium in foreign media. The idea is that familiarity and understanding breeds friendship and cooperation. The days of simply updating embassies once a month with elections and cabinet information are officially over.

In other news, foreign ministry officials are hard at work expanding and improving the embassy section of the eBelgian forums. In the next week we will be adding a "how to" guide for ambassadors that includes specific rights and responsibilities of ambassadors as well as answers to common questions. We will also be adding new threads for questions, suggestions, information on eBelgian history and foreign policy, and extensive lists of links to international forum and IRC channels.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the Foreign Ministry, please let us know in the comments section of this article. You may also send me an in-game message or visit the embassy section of the eBelgian forums once the improvements are completed.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

***P.S. Check out the new Foreign Ministry logo! 😁