[MoFA] Information and Lending a Hand to the eUK

Day 2,228, 19:20 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Yesterday night the government of the eUK announced some bad news. [1] Their president ChewChewShoe went into all of their organizations accounts and wiped them out fully; an estimation of 6000 gold was taken out and donated to a private citizen, no other than ChewChewShoe [2].

He betrayed and manipulated the trust given to him by many. The United Kingdom's Minister of Foreign Affairs and many others have sent tickets to the administration but it is made clear , a country president stealing from organizations is legal in eRepublik.

Currently all of the organizations are still in the hands of Chewchewshoe , and an impeachment vote cannot be launched as the most recent one just failed. The only amount of money that seems to be left over is the main country treasury, which is not enough to survive continually. Currently the former vCP LordFarhan is the replacement Country President until the next elections.

"As most of you have probably heard, the government was robbed. Money from every org was wiped clean, including the NHS org. At about 19:00 I went onto the NHS org, as I was going to announce a Training Ground loan for New Citizens, so we could have stronger fighters. I was surprised at what I saw, 2 days ago the NHS org held 320 gold (120 NHS gold, 200 gold from me), and it was empty yesterday, with most of our food used up too." - quoted by Dr.Kawishiwi , chairman of the NHS

This term Belgium and The United Kingdoms relations have continued to grow and prosper, Belgium would like to lend a hand to our friends to the North. That being said the NHS needs money to operate and help new players in the a United Kingdom without them many of their programs that benefit the population cannot be run properly. The Belgian government although not able to make a donation, due to our own monetary situation is asking every eBelgian citizen, and lover of Belgian chocolate and beer to make a donation to the eUK.

That being said, the NHS needs food to continue supplying to the new citizens of the eUK. No donation is too small. If you would like to donate CC or food, please send it to,

Dr Kawishiwi
Alan Warshire

If for whatever reason you do not wish to directly donate, feel free to donate to myself, or MaryamQ and we will relay the donation onto the NHS. I cannot emphasize enough that no donation is too small.

On behalf of the Belgian government
- Mr. Wonka BelgianMinister of Foreign Affairs