[MoFA] First Meeting with Indonesians

Day 1,305, 06:01 Published in Australia Australia by Heals
G'day Australia

This is a brief announcement in regards to the current Indonesian situation and the meeting that took place just minutes ago.

After everyone gathered around the big piece of paper and got their own nice comfy bit of grass, negotiations began.

A brief meeting took place in which the Australia government explained its situation to that of the Indonesia government. The Indonesian government was understood our situation and agreed to uphold the agreements that was already bartered. It is as follows:
-Australia will keep NSW, QLD and Tasmania
-NT will be returned to Australia before the end of the current presidential term
-An Australia representative will write an open letter to the Indonesian people explaining the circumstances of the last few days.
-Indonesia has agreed not to Natural Enemy Australia for the duration of the Presidential term

EDIT: Another part of the agreement is that Australia will not RW or NE Indonesia, sorry for the oversight

These agreements will be put to the Senate for debate, and a deal will be solidified in a few days. We will, of course, keep you updated.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and subsribe,

Heals [Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs]