[MoFA] Close but no Cigar

Day 799, 19:58 Published in USA United Kingdom by GLaDOS

Dear citizens of the rowdy upstart colonies that call themselves a coalition of United States,

I would like to congratulate you and your president on finally gathering up the courage after months upon months of posturing to finally attack the United Kingdom, but I regret that I must inform you and what you call your "president" of some terrible news.

You see, you attacked us in a non original region, that already has a resistance war and a polish attack occurring. you region swapped with your Spanish allies, wasting more and more gold,when you could have just attacked us in the province of wales or the South West of England.

So, by all means, I encourage you to spend your money on a battle that wont matter, as most likely by the time your battle would have closed, the region that your brilliant strategists decided to attack will be under the ownership of a different country.

see you in Washington DC!

(picture completely historical and in no way meant to offend anyone)
Duke of Halifax