[MoFA] Ambassador Program (Season 2)

Day 1,783, 03:25 Published in Philippines USA by Lacon Yan

First of all, i want to congratulate Destroyer S87 for winning the election and for being elected as our President for this month. Fortunately, i was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. This will be my second nonconsecutive term as the head of the ministry.

In my first term as the MoFA of former President Jon873's administration, i established a new Ambassador system that will decrease the number of Ambassadors to 8 which will be assigned to 8 regions that composed of 6-12 countries that were based on the map of eWorld. Here are the regions that a Ambassador can choose to be assigne😛

* Americas - Ambassador Marcial Cachofa
* South East Asia and Oceania - Ambassador Vincenzo Roque
* Middle East and South Africa
* Asia - Ambassador Al Raposas
* Northern Europe
* Western Europe - Ambassador Boy Pick Up
* Eastern Europe - Ambassador Kosingas01
* Southern Europe - Ambassador Kosingas01

Each appointed Ambassadors need to do the tasks below:
1. Get the Cabinet list of all, if not, some of the countries that belong the regions your assigned to and also give them our Cabinet list.
2. Get some important news from that regions. The news can be political, military, economics and even social news that that you think is significant for the people to know.
3. Publish reports through articles that contains the Cabinet list and some news from that region. You should publish 4 reports which means that you should publish a report weekly until the end of your term.

At the end of your term, your performance will be graded and it has a corresponding salary. Your performance will be graded from 1-5, every grade gives you a P200 salary. So, if you have a over all performance grade of 4, you will receive P800 salary.

If your interested in the job or simply have any question, just send me a message and i will reply as soon as i can. I just hope that every citizen of ePhilippines will help the current administration for the greater good of the country.

Lacon Yan
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Congress Member