[MoEnt] Quizzes, Haxball, Olympics!!!

Day 2,133, 08:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hello there everyone,

It’s that time of the week again for another article from myself, LongShotzZ. Over the past few weeks we’ve managed to achieve a great deal of things and in my eyes it’s been the best MoEnt term in a long time, but I would say that of course. Anyways, I’ve got a few more things lined up for your guys this week so we can get moving again. I’d like to start off by announcing that the MS Paint Competition is being scrapped due to lack of interest, that’s the hard part over and done with, so let’s move on!

Royal Quiz #2:

Well, last time I think this went quite well but as previously stated, I’m hoping for a minimum of 20 people to turn up. It will be roughly the same as last time round; 7 rounds with 5 questions each round, teams of no more than 5 and it will be IRC based. The quiz shall yet again be held in the channel #eWoldy, however this time I’m fully paying for the prizes myself!

1st Place - 10 Q7’s each

2nd Place - 5 Q7’s each

3rd Place - 1000 health each

As you can tell, the prizes are a bit better than last time, mainly due to better funding. I hope to see you all in #eWoldy on Thursday at 8pm GMT!

The eUK Olympics:

This appears to be a much bigger hit with the kids than the MS Paint Competition as I managed to get a whopping 9 people to enter for the first round. The game was Pacman, and the winner was Jimbobfrey with a score of 51k, a huge 32k more than his nearest adversary! He wins the 100gbp for this week I’m afraid. You can see a tally of the scores on this GDoc form:


This weeks game shall be slightly different to last weeks, but sticking with a similar theme I’ve decided to go for Tetris, another great retro game! As usual, play the game and post a screenshot of your high score in the comments, thanks!


Haxball Tournament:

I hope to hold this over the next few weeks. There are 16 initial places for the tournament, however, more may be added depending upon its popularity. I shall be properly organising this within the next few days, so stay tuned for more on that!

Anyways, that is all for this week, I hope you’ve enjoyed this and will get involved with what’s going on. Once your get going you’ll find we really have a great community here in the eUK!

Thanks guys!
-LongShotzZ- Minister of Entertainment

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