[MoE] Guide to... the Ministries

Day 2,142, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

CP elections are coming, so now is your chance to apply for your favourite ministry. But wait a minute… what does your favourite ministry do? Does the Ministry of Defence spend all day building walls around our shores? Does the Ministry of Education consist of teachers? We are bringing you the guide to… the eUK ministries.

The Ministry of Home Affairs
Abbreviations: MoHA
Branches: Ministry of Education(MoEd), Ministry of Entertainment(MoEnt)
The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for the domestics of the country. Like the human resources section of a business the MoHA is responsible for recruitment, retention and training. During several CP terms, the MoHA has been split up to the MoEd which deals with education and the MoEnt which deals with entertaining the citizens. The MoHA still runs the domestics though, and is in change of these other two ministries. The MoHA once ran the MoH too!

The Ministry of Health
Abbreviations: MoH
The ministry that runs the NHS. The NHS was once run by the MoHA, but eventually the MoH was created to spread out the workload and make it easier to run. In most governments the MoH will only run the NHS as well as advertise it, but many governments have had plans to expand it.

The Ministry of Finance
Abbreviations: MoF
All money going in and out of the many eUK organisations is monitored by the Ministry of Finance. This ministry is responsible for keeping all of the governments money safe, as money has been stolen in the past. They also do deals on the monetary market to make extra money for the country.

The Ministry of Defence
Abbreviations: MoD
The guardians of the eUK, or at least the ones who order the guardians. The Ministry of Defence discusses war tactics with the eUK CP, and then passes on the orders to the different MU commanders. They write regular articles to inform the citizens where and why they are fighting. They supply fighters during battles, and sometimes will run the “Call to Arms” scheme to give free weapons to eUK citizens.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Abbreviations: MoFA
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs represents the eUK at international level, to uphold the important reputation that the country has. They will meet with other countries MoFA’s for talks, and do talk to our alliance as well. During many of their meetings, they are accompanied by the eUK CP. Sometimes they run the ambassador program, where eUK citizens represent our country in other countries by talking to their citizens.

Hopefully, you will now know a little about each of the main ministries in the eUK. If you want to be a part of one of the ministries next term, get talking to each CP candidate about being part of their cabinet.

Thanks for reading,
CheetahCurtis - ex-Minister of Education

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