[MoE] Guide to... The eUK Forums

Day 2,134, 10:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Once the most important pieces of communication for the country holding Congress and government discussions, the eUK forums are still used by many members of this countries community. The Ministry of Education is bringing you the guide to… the eUK forums so you can learn how to sign up and use these forums regularly.

Signing Up

You can get onto the eUK forums through this link. In the future, you can always type erepublik.co.uk or forums.erepublik.co.uk. To sign up, click “register” on the navigation bar at the top. The button you need to click is shown below if you cannot find it. Read the registration agreement(or not) and accept them, then fill in the form. Activate your account through the email sent, and you're on your way...

The “register” button, circled red.

The Main Areas of the Forum

I guess you could see the main areas after you have signed up, but we shall go through them anyway. Forum & IRC Info contains announcements and suggestions for the forum and the #euk IRC channel. General eRepublik is for the discussions about the game military invasions, to the latest competitions and even announcements from our country president(even though some do not do this anymore). In the Party Forums section, you can apply to see your eRepublik parties forum, as most big eUK parties have their own sub-forum. You should apply as soon as possible so you can join in your parties discussions. The Off-Topic area is for worshippers of Boblo, the Dental Corps and football hooligans to discuss the goings-on in real life but don’t be scared of joining in.

Two of the main areas of the forums.

Of course you can also edit your profile, send messages and do whatever is usual on the average forum.

Posting and Replying to Topics

It’s not a forum if you cannot reply to topics, and you can’t reply to topics if people cannot create them. Creating your own topics is really simple, first go to the area where you want to create the topic(such as “public discussions”). Above and below the list of topics in that area will be a blue button which says “New Topic”. Type away. I said it was simple.

Create your own topic about anything…

When a topic has been created people are able to reply to it. You can reply by clicking the reply button at the top and bottom of the topic. You are also able to quote other posts by clicking the quote button on each post. If you are in a rush, there is a quick reply box at the bottom of the topic. Have fun as you can use smileys and bb code in your posts.

We have covered the absolute basics of using the eUK forums, if you want to know more sign up now and get exploring. The forums have many different discussions, and I’m sure you will be able to find one which is exciting or interesting. Go now!

Thanks for reading,
CheetahCurtis - Minister of Education

Make sure you join the official UK forums!