[MoE] Guide to... Tanking

Day 2,124, 09:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Saving countries, earning countless medals and being on top of your country… who wouldn’t want to be a tank in eRepublik? Not everyone has a bottomless credit card to use on eRepublik, but everyone can have a chance to deal massive damage, so here’s the Ministry of Education guide to tanking.

Missions for your Missions

Remember that your main mission is to become a tank. But admins will release temporary missions that will allow you to gain special weapons such as bombs and rockets(sadly this one doesn’t). These missions are released often, sometimes once a month. If is possible to get 5 small bombs equaling 7.5 million damage(in division 4) from just one mission. Don’t waste damage getting less damage as it is quite simply a waste. For example, don’t use 6 small bombs to get 5.

Some of the missions released by admins.

So you could be getting 7.5 million damage from these missions. There are also rockets to be rewarded, which is even more damage. A lot of these missions will reward energy bars(these temporary missions actually do give a lot of energy bars), which we will cover later on in the article. Save as much of these weapons as possible to be released during your tanking battle.

Strength + Health = Destruction

By now, you should know that the more strength and health you have the more damage you can do. So there are two obvious stats to improve for dealing more damage. Strength. Health. When I say increase health, you're probably thinking click that button to recover health every 6 minutes. Well, you need to click the button but thats not what I mean. Energy bars. Giving you 100 more health, that is a great way to tank. You earn 1 per day from the daily order and then more from the missions that admins add in.Over a month, you could save up 50 energy bars depending on what missions are done.

The products you will need in your inventory, but more of them.

50 energy bars can get you far, as long as you have the strength to match. The higher strength you have the more damage you deal, so you will need to keep training every day. If you can train with better quality, or more, training grounds it will get you even more strength. Make sure you upgrade them during the sales as they are cheaper, and the government may offer gold loans to help you upgrade.

Where/Why to Tank

Where or why you tank in a specific battle is completely up to you. If you are saving your damage to save your country, then obviously you fight when your country is in trouble. But some reasons will be harder. For example, if you want to get into the top 100 fighters for the day you will have to tank on specific days If you know there will be a big battle between two countries, don’t tank on that day as others will be doing hundreds of millions of damage. Keep up to date with military politics to know when the big battles are happening.

Some amazing tanks in the top 100 fighters.

If you are tanking to get a campaign hero medal, the situation is similar. Don’t fight in the important battles as you won't have much chance. If possible, fight in an unimportant resistance war, because only the citizens of two countries will be fighting in them. The lack of importance means less people will be fighting, which is better for you.

The 5 Tanking Rules to Remember

If you are going to tank, here are the 5 important things from the article to remember:
1. Complete temporary missions to earn big damage rewards.
2. Upgrade training grounds quickly, but during the sales.
3. You get a lot of energy bars a month, but save them.
4. Wait for the best moment to tank - even if it takes a week.
5. Don’t get stressed, it’s only a game.

Hopefully, you are a step closer to achieving your dream of tanking for a day. Now get out there and fight!

Thanks for reading,
CheetahCurtis - Minister of Education

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