[MoE] Guide to... Congress

Day 2,131, 11:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Congress elections are fast approaching, and you might be one of the citizens looking to grab themselves a seat in one of the most important political areas of the eUK. You’ll have questions like what does Congress do? How do I get into Congress? Do they just click buttons all day? The Ministry of Education is here to tell you about Congress in this latest guide.

The Elections
Congress elections are held on the 25th of each month in the eUK, providing that a region is held by our country. Only members of top 5 parties can run for Congress, so many parties out of the top 5 will have their members move party for a few days to get into Congress. If you want to run, you must click the “Run for Congress” button on your parties page between the 16th and 23rd of the month:

The only way to run for Congress.

On the 24th, party presidents will rank the players who are running for Congress in order of priority. The 1st person on the list is the first to get a seat in that party. The 25th is election day, where eUK citizens vote for their party. Every region held by the country secures 10 seats for the country, up to 40 seat. Providing 40 seats are available, every 2.5% of the votes will give 1 seat to a party. If a party gains 10% of the votes, they will gain 4 seats and the first 4 people of that parties list will get into Congress. Congress terms begin on the 26th after the medal and 5 gold are awarded.

Debating and Voting
All in-game laws in the eUK are voted on by Congress, from natural enemy proposals to tax decreases. This is why Congress are one of the most important political groups in the eUK, as they are the ones who shape the future of our country. Congressmen and the country president have the ability to propose many new laws. When a law is proposed, the 24 hour voting phase will begin in which each Congressman will have a chance to vote “Yes” or “No” on the proposal. If passed, the law will take effect immediately.

A proposal recently voted on.

Any good Congressman would not just click buttons though, they would talk with other Congressmen to find the best solution for the country. The eUK forums, and in-game messages, are used for current Congressmen to debate with each other about proposals and laws for the eUK.

Being Transparent?
Many current and ex-Congressmen have chosen to be transparent in their voting or debates. Basically, this would mean to let the rest of the eUK know what you have been doing or what you voted on during your Congress term. Two fine examples would be current Congressman Aultman’s newspaper and the great articles of Huey George. They both explain which proposals they voted on, which way they voted, and why they chose to vote that way. That is the basics of being transparent. Congressmen can also choose to talk shortly about the debates that have been going on inside Congress, but be careful as you don’t want to give away secrets of our country.

Make sure you run for Congress in your party this month by clicking the button on your parties page, and try not to be inactive. It’s not just your game that you improve as a Congressman, you improve the whole eUK…

Thanks for reading,
CheetahCurtis - Minister of Education

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