Day 628, 10:13 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by AvanT

Department of the Ministry of Economy

I. Financial Report (Julyi'09)

a. Economic-Fiscal and IDR (July 09)
In early July, the increase due to tax on all commodities from 5% to 10% (Income Tax) and 0% to 1% (VAT). Tax collected before the increase amounted approximately 135,000 IDR or in average 4.500 per day (equals to 4500 gold / week with a rate of 30 IDR / g). After tax changed, tax collected was 259.781 IDR or in average 8,659.37 IDR daily (equivalent to 288.65 gold daily rate with a 30 IDR / gold).

Income tax contributes 20% to 937,185.35 IDR of state income in July 09. (note: the amount of income taxes recorded on the graph of only 190,000 IDR because income tax is IDR 69.781 at the time was in the treasury). While income countries are generally still dominated by issuing money that reached IDR 600,000 consisting of 200,000 IDR (article and proposal by Bolodewo) and IDR 400,000 (article by congres organization and proposal by vrya). Income through this post reaches 64% of the income of countries such as can be seen in the chart below.


The GDP grew from 2.600 G (July 😎 to 5.052 G (6 July). It's probably because of immigrants, new companies and more colonies of eIndo from eUSA. The GDP also increase income tax from 6.000 IDR / day to IDR 8.000 / day or an increase of 30%. The following graph of GDP from 8 July to 6 August 2009.


b. Economic-Monetary and Gold
There was a devaluation in the exchange rate of IDR to Gold during the last few weeks, as can be seen in the chart below. This is caused by the purchase of gold by NBI for the cost of war in large numbers. Purchases of Gold by NBI conducted almost every day from new money issued. The total amount of gold purchased in July was 16,757.86 gold from 509,583.71 IDR (in average 30,408 IDR / gold). The amount of daily gold purchase can be seen on the table and graph below.


Gold Budget allocated for war reached 80%, which consists of 52% the cost of tanking, 20% for military maneuver (open BF, RW, etc.) and 8% for military supports (logistics, weapon, etc.). The remaining 14% returned for issuing money. And the rest were allocated to some other operational posts.


However, over the replacement of NBI director, Gold purchase by NBI is still yet to be started. Hence as showedon the graph that IDR value began to gradually stabilized. This indicates that some worries about excessive IDR in circulation due to the several money issues that would cause inflation, doesn't seem to occur. (note that inflation for this week can be monitored in next 2 weeks). Here is the graph of the exchange rate of IDR gold.


II. Budget Plan (Aug 09)

At this time the remaining funds recorded in the NBI. 164,340.79 IDR + 70.000 IDR donations from income tax remaining from July. If the income tax in this month is expected as the same with July amounting 259.781 IDR for a whole month, the total budget for the month of August 494,121.79 IDR, or 16,470.726 Gold worth (30idr/gold rate).

Therefore, me as the minister of economy propose the Budget Plan on Expenditure for August'09 as follows:

Monetary Budget: 305,750.226 be converted to 10,191.67 Gold (IDR rated 30 / g)
Military budget: IDR 166,367.04 for the cost draftee, military operational and logistical
Regular budget: 12,871.8 IDR for financing operational GOV's institutions
Tactical budget: IDR 9,132.724 for financing other posts

Total Number of Budget Shopping: 494,121.79 IDR

The Budget Plan on Expenditure on August month is calculated roughly from 60% of the expenditure budget in July as follows..


That's all the Financial Report and Budget Plan. Any advice and critics are welcomed.


Avant a.k.a Trixi
Minister of Economy (Aug 09)

Calculated from the NBI Finance Report Juli'09 and MoE Daily Note

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