[MoD] Strike Nights

Day 1,677, 11:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Here at the MoD, we’re always looking out for the little guys (and the big ones). One of the ways we do this is by having a strike night every night at 8:00PM (All times in this article are UK time, though to help out 8:00PM UK = 12:00PM erep), and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve got tonnes of strength or not. We’ll still help out! If you have UK citizenship, you’re entitled to get the amount of Q6 weapons that go into the food fights you have available at the time. So, for example, let’s say you have 300 health that you can restore at that time. That’s 30 food fights (ff), so we’ll send along 5 Q6 weapons. Not bad, eh?

So the requirements are simply that you have to have UK citizenship, but what do you have to do to get them? At 7:30PM we open up supplies for that nights strike in the UK channel #MoD (http://goo.gl/ioJBQ). Between 7:30PM and around 8:15PM, all you need to do is pop into the channel and link your profile page with the amount of food fights that you have. No really, that’s it. All you need to do is something like this:

http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1392748 FF 55

Once you’ve posted that during the times supplies are open, one of our supply team will quickly send you what will fill up your food fights! Once you’ve received your supplies, and let’s assume you’ve turned up just before the strike at 8:00PM, all you need to do is just sit around and watch us suppliers frantically send the weapons over to others. Oh, and despite what Big Ant may say, feel free to talk. All we ask from you if you do decide to talk is to not clog up the room by replying too quickly. Just be aware that others want their supplies quickly too, and when suppliers have to scroll up it makes us cry. ;_;

That’s all there is to it really. This is the rundown of what you need to do: Have UK citizenship; Join #MoD (http://goo.gl/ioJBQ) between 7:30PM and 8:15PM; Link to your profile and let us know your food fights. Just by doing this, Q6 weapons will be on the way!

We want to see plenty of people turning up to our strike nights! Please shout the following when you can to help make that happen:

[MoD Chain Shout] Strike at 8PM UK time on day 1,677, click http://goo.gl/ioJBQ and click "GO" for your free Q6 weapons. Supply will start at 7:30pm every day!

We look forward to seeing you all tonight. o/

UK Strike Team

Militia Directory

A detailed version can be found here.

UK Forums

Almost all of the eUK institutions are based on our official off-site forums. You’ll find several government offers helping you establish yourself here in the eUK, along with the forums having the central role in government, political and military decisions – with the British Expeditionary Force and several Militias having private forums as well. We also have a huge off-topic sections, for games, real life discussion and the ancient Church of Boblo.

Register on the eUK forum and you’ll have access to some great services 😉.


Ergo Deus
dMoD (Orders)