[MoD] Orders - Days 1310 - Fight against Ireland! DO NOT FIGHT AGAINST BELGIUM

Day 1,308, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

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Fight Instructions

Fight in the battles indicated by the MoD, concentrating on the battles where your influence will help to push the blue bar towards or over 50%.
When either side reaches 1800 points, the mini-battle will close and a new one will open - so fight smart!

Where to fight today

Ireland have started a resistance war in Cork. For some insane reason they seem to think they ought to have the region back, even though it clearly belongs to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Island.


DO NOT FIGHT AGAINST BELGIUM PLEASE! We need them to win this battle!

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***Military News - Days 1308-1309***

Yesterday, we finally wiped Ireland. Afterwards, we secured the region of Shannon against a Resistance War, and since then no Irish have been seen or heard of. All we know is that at some point, they will mount a stand; whenever you see an Irish RW; fight as hard as you can.

Our fine allies France also remain distinctly under occupation of Poland and Hungary, who have now rolled up to the shores of the Atlantic. We have been doing all we can to help our brothers in arms in these battles, often shipping our military over to France to fight in resistance wars. Unfortunately, France now has no regions left, and has lost a string of Resistance Wars. Some are moving to EDEN nations, and some moving here. All we can do is wish them a speedy return to the map, and continue to help them all we can!

Across the pond itself, Sweden and Canada are fighting it out in North whilst the eUSA looks in dire straits with its open wars against Spain, Indonesia, Hungary and Poland.



Minister of Defence.

Smack Dat,
Deputy Minister of Defence

Sven Goran Duran-Duran,
Senior Press Officer to the Ministry of Defence.