[MoD] Official Article Day 1,253-54

Day 1,253, 12:31 Published in Singapore Singapore by Singapore Defence Organisation
Greetings citizens, this is your Ministry of Defense with the ministry update!

Military Orders:
Fight in any battles you wish.

Civilians Orders:
Fight in any battles!

Fill this form for supplies!

Are you new to eRepublik?

If you're new to eRepublik and don't know what to do you can check out some cool articles on how to make it through your first days:
Part one

Part two

If you want to join the military:

You can sign up for the Republican Guard here:
Republican Guard

You can sign up for the First Legion here:
First Legion

Get active!

In eRepublik it is very important to make friends and keep up to date with events and to meet our global needs as a nation and our security needs as a small one we need an active dedicated population. We need everyone one of you to be active and get on the IRC chat, you can do that at Mibbit for you nick put in your eRepublik name (replace spaces with - or _) for the IRC select Rizon from the list and for the channel type in #esingapore.

This has been a message from your Minister of Defense, logan Dunleavy