[MoCHE] eWorld Anime Awards 2014 ( Nominations )

Day 2,610, 05:51 Published in Japan Japan by Nanashi Senshi

Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of the eworld, the the newly formed Ministry of Culture, History and Education ( ministry of MoCH and MoE merged together ) is proud to present to you the eWorld Anime Awards 2014 event. The eWorld Anime Awards is a set of events, which consists of Anime series of the year, Anime movie of the year, Anime female character of the year, Loli of the year, Anime male character of the year, and Anime song of the year event, among which we, anime fans, around the eworld, will choose the best of the best from 2014 year.
If you're interested you can see the results of the previous events - eWorld Anime Awards 2013 ( Results), eJapan Anime Awards 2012 ( results ).

All citizens of eworld have right to participate in this event regardless of their home country.

So without further ado, here are the categories and rules for nominations for this event. Please read them carefully before submitting your nominations so we can avoid any misunderstanding.

Anime series of the year

-Nomination must contain:
1) Picture of the anime series,
2) Name of the anime series,
3) Short description,
4) You can nominate up to 2 anime series.

Important: Anime series must have been aired from winter season 2013/2014 to (including) fall season 2014. ( 01.01.2014 - 31.12. 2014 )

All of these conditions must be met, nominations without these elements will be considered as incomplete and will not be accepted for the event.

First place: 700 yens
Second place: 500 yens
Third place: 300 yens

In case that more than one candidate wins one of the places the reward will be equally divided between them. ( for example if 2 anime series have won the 3rd place, then the prize of 500 yens will be equally divided and the winning candidates will get 250 yens each as a reward.

Vote via PM: here
Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime movie of the year

-Nomination must contain:
1) Picture of the anime movie,
2) Name of the anime movie,
3) Short description,
4) You can nominate only 1 ( one ) anime movie.

Nominate anime movies that were shown only in the cinemas during the year 2014.

All of these conditions must be met, nominations without these elements will be considered as incomplete and will not be accepted for the event.

First place: 500 yens

Vote via PM: here
Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime female character of the year

-Nomination must contain:
1) Picture of the character,
2) Name of the character,
3) Name of the anime series character is from,
4) Short description,
5) You can nominate only one female character.


Nominate characters that appeared in anime series aired from winter season 2013/2014 to (including) fall season 2014 ( 01.01.2014-31.12.2014). It doesn't matter was the character main or supporting.

All of these conditions must be met, nominations without these elements will be considered as incomplete and will not be accepted for the event.

First place: 500 yens.

Vote via PM: here
Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Loli of the year

-Nomination must contain:
1) Picture of the character,
2) Name of the character,
3) Name of the anime series character is from,
4) Short description,
5) You can nominate only one female Loli character.

Nominate characters that appeared in anime series aired from winter season 2013/2014 to (including) fall season 2014 ( 01.01.2014-31.12.2014). It doesn't matter was the character main or supporting.

All of these conditions must be met, nominations without these elements will be considered as incomplete and will not be accepted for the event.

First place: 500 yens.

Vote via PM: here
Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime male character of the year

-Nomination must contain:
1) Picture of the character,
2) Name of the character,
3) Name of the anime series character is from,
4) Short description,
5) You can nominate only 1 ( one ) male character.

Nominate characters that appeared in anime series aired from winter season 2013/2014 to (including) fall season 2014 ( 01.01.2014-31.12.2014). It doesn't matter was the character main or supporting.

All of these conditions must be met, nominations without these elements will be considered as incomplete and will not be accepted for the event.

First place: 500 yens.

Vote via PM: here
Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime song of the year

-Nomination must contain:
1. Name of the song,
2. Name of the artist ( male/female singer, band ),
3. Name of the anime from which the song is,
4. YouTube link of the song,
5) You can nominate only one anime song.

Nominated song must have been from anime series which was aired from winter season 2013/2014 to (including) fall season 2014 (01.01.2014-31.12.2014). It doesn't matter is it opening ( OP ) or ending ( ED ) song theme.

All of these conditions must be met, nominations without these elements will be considered as incomplete and will not be accepted for the event.

First place: 500 yens

Vote via PM: here
Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Nominating via PM ( fast and easy )
You can also nominate via PM just send me a PM, titled Anime series/movie/characters/song - Nominations, domestic and foreign players both can send their nominations via PM. Keep in mind that you must send all info requested by our rules or your nomination will not be accepted.

Nominations will last for one week, so you have enough time to think about your candidate for the events. Thank you all for your time and for supporting this event😁

Ministry of Culture, History and Education

Minister - Turt037
Vice Minister - Nanashi Senshi