[MoC] Mister eIreland competition

Day 1,918, 13:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hello boys!!!

A few days ago we all saw this adorable chicken announcing the 2nd competition of Miss eRepublik.That gave us the idea to make another special contest for Mister eRepublik starting of course from Mister eIreland.

columbia, Nogin the nog and Nataliia from Galicia are organizing this competition and will also be the judges of it.
What do we ask?
-Have an Irish cs or belong to an Irish military unit or have a post in the government or be an ambassador working for Irish MoFA
-Be level at least 20
-Send 3 recent photos from which:
-One will be in a formal costume
-One will be in narrow clothes or in a swimming suit
-One will be you keeping a paper that will write your erepublik name to prove it is you
Photos must be natural,no photoshop is allowed
-Send an entrance fee of 50cc, the money that will be gathered will be donated to Irish Government

Photos will be sent to columbia.
One pm will be sent to Nogin the nog to explain why do you want to participate in this.
Donate 50 cc to Nataliia from Galicia

We will gather photos until day 1922
Another article will be published with the valid competitors.
The winner will earn:
-5 gold
-30 q7 weapons
-the 3 of us as his eslaves*

*this means that for one day he will have one of us making true his wishes,3 girls,3 days,1 girl per day.The eslave will have to:
1.Write to her profile to her description Day xxxx eslave of xxxxxxxxx.
2.Wear the avatar for a day that the winner will ask
3.write one article in case she is asked about the subject the winner will say
4.shout up to 10 times whatever her master will ask
all above will have to be according to eRepublik laws always and girls in comments of article or shouts have the right to say if they wish “I wrote this because I am eslave of xxxxxxx and my master asked me to write this”
The day the winner will have a girl as eslave will be discussed between the 2 of him and the girl.

We also ask more girls from Ireland to participate on this,you do not have to have an irish cs as long as you can prove you belong to an irish unit or you belonged in the past or you had a post in any government in past or you are/were ambassador here.The more girls we are the more days the winner will have eslaves

In case any other country is interested to do something similar the Irish girls will support and help them.

Good luck boys.
Because boys can be sexy too and we like it!!!!