[風雨飄搖報]菲律賓總統Marie von Gablitz對於道歉爭議的一些個人說明

Day 1,407, 12:17 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ToHisWorld

In my opinion, all the eROC want is only a public apology...
然後我們討論了一兩句,Marie von Gablitz突然插進來,之後進入正文:
Marie von Gablitz:ROC dont want and never wanted our apology
ToHisWorld:Marie: I don't want to argue with anyone. Noe(譯註:我打錯字==) the ROC side and the PH side both have their own argument. You say you have sent apology to our congress but they ignored it, while our government said that you never sent an apology.
Veronica Lin:Yeap MvG, we don't want sansae2's apology only, but also yours! Your attitude attracts the war! Whatever you believe or not! The reasons that the freeze relationship cause by you and sansae2! That's what eROC's people aimed to! An apology will not make you shame, instead, most persons who apology bravely will be regard as a real hero. You can modified IRC record, I doubts you are a spy belong ONE? Are you?
Marie von Gablitz:I wanted to apology in my name and in the name of my government, but ROC congress decided that would not be necessary.
With sansae2 I dont have any kind of relationship or contact, we disliked each other from the beginning of his president term.
I dont work or spy for any alliance, I'm two years old citizen and my biography is prefectly clean. Only alliance I liked was PEACE after them I do not pay much attention for new alliances
ToHisWorld:Marie: I'm not sure the kind of your "apology." Maybe you thought that sending a letter with apology words was enough, but as I know, the ROC government and congress wanted to see an official newspaper with official apology words.
Maybe there is something ambigulous on the understanding of "apology" between the two nations?
Veronica Lin:We mad to your dishonest actives! If your apology is sincere, we'll support you! But you tell everyone eROC is an invader, that's fable! You know it!
Marie von Gablitz:I was ready to publish the apology in our media but your congress decided you dont want that anymore.
Please Veronica define who is everyone ?
請Veronica定義一下,誰是” 每個人”?
Veronica Lin:What your media talks to are everyone! You told you had publish the apology, but your apology looks insincere. You never apologized with sincere but speak those fake malicious gossips to harm eROC's honest!
你的媒體所發佈的對象就是” 每個人”!你說你已經發佈道歉,但你的道歉看起來根本毫無誠意。你從不真誠的道歉,反而說那些惡意、假造的謠言來傷害ROC的名聲!(譯註:原文是honest,我在此理解成”名聲”)
You've said "My statement is: I wont let any citizens of Philippines expresidents or babies to apologize to aggressors." You still regards eROC as invader! However, the truth is sansae2 led Philippines invaded eROC first!
Marie von Gablitz:I agree with you that sansae2 made a mistake and I said I cant apologize in his name.
I apologize to ROC citizens, I have conflict only with your congress
ToHisWorld:Hmm...... Marie, can I post these comments to my newspaper?

