[M&N] 人物專訪 -- 謎樣的人物 roland_up [EN][TC]

Day 1,392, 20:11 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty







傳說中的羅蘭大 -- roland_up

1. 有暱稱嗎?


2. 什麼時候進入遊戲的呢?


3. 在真實世界裡是什麼身分呢?


4. 為什麼選擇成為日本人呢?


5. 在日本的時候,做過哪些事情呢?


在朋友Metic的幫助之下,我們接管了一個叫做Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)的廢棄政黨,並讓這政黨從只有兩個黨員成為前五大黨,我們藉此來幫助新手,也嘗試讓這個社會更加活耀。我也成立過幾個公司,包括一個少見的高工資Q5麵包廠,但其實那時候,我們也試著讓價格降低。

6. 能不能描述一下你眼中的日本?




7. 請描述一下日本與南韓之間,從以前到現在甚至到未來的關係





不幸的,在Alfagrem的幫助下,FSR在簽訂協議前便幾乎趕走了日本,使日本無法幫助南韓人;另一方面,Clopoyaur 給了eROC兩塊地作為和平協議。此時,某些南韓人決定離開南韓到日本來。接下來的幾次選舉,FSR不只PTO南韓,更PTO了當地居民所屬的政黨,於是,一些日本人跑去幫助南韓人;不久後,Clopoyaur給了eROC第三塊地作為幫助換首都的代價。



8. 有多少政府官員在日韓當中重疊?


9. 接著上題,你認為日韓能為對方做決定嗎?


10. 再問一次,你認為日韓是不是個別獨立的?


11. 你同意日本未來需要更多真日本人嗎?


12. 為什麼這次南韓要把日本滅國?




13. 呈上題,所有日本公民都知道他們要被滅掉了嗎?



14. 再承上題,你認為藉由議會能解決這次問題嗎?


1. 我們選擇不打後,戰爭還是會自動發起

2. 我們MPPs比日本MPPs多,使我們很難阻止日本被滅國

3. 加拿大與FSR已經比我們強了,如果我們繼續浪費傷害在軍演上(保護日本不被滅國),我們將很難在起義戰戰勝他們,所以軍演必須以某一種方式結束。

15. 你會再回到日本嗎?


16. 其他想說的話~



17. 更多想說的話~

。 ◕ ‿ ◕ 。

18. 最後一個問題,你在eROC有很多朋友嗎?

我認識一些eROC的人,有些是我做rythemdj總統的顧問時認識的,像是aibocow, sisko and ReStar(很想念他的文章)。我對sadanaga也蠻熟悉,尤其是他總不能停止拿BH章。我認識chenglap,我們曾經有一些良好的溝通,雖然我們也許永遠不會同意對方 😃


1. Do you have nicknames?

A: I don’t think I have any......

2. When did you join the eRep?

A: 2009/8/1

3. Who are you and what are you in RL?

A: I am a RL Australian living in Sydney. At the moment, I am having my gap year just to get some work experience and $$$$ before doing Postgrad next year. Half of my family is Chinese, and I also study some Chinese at school, so that's why I know, but my Chinese is terrible TBH, and I often have to write something in English before put it into the translator to find out how to write.

4. Why you choose to be Japanese?

A: When I am small, I like to watch animation, and the TV over here also aired some of their more popular cartoon. Not so much now though. I also like Japanese food a lot, ramen, udon, taiyaki cake are some of my favour, but it is not always easy or cheap to buy over here.

5. What have you done when being in eJP?

A: For most of the time, I played the role of a businessman over there. I think I have only been a congressman 3 times. Despite being in eJP for more than a year, I didn’t get into congress very often. This is somewhat due to my belief that being in government isn't the only ways to contribute, or make the community better. I saw many people who ran for congress, and they made big promise of what they will do, like creating a baby boom, or others things, but most of them never materialized.

As an independent, with the help of my friend, Metic, we revived a previously dead party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). We turn a party with only 2 members into a top 5 party. We used the party to help out new players, and try to create a more active community. I also run quite a few companies in eJP, included one of the few Q5 food company that offer high wages, but at the same time, we also tried to drive prices low.

6. Could you illustrate the eJP in your opinion?

A: When I first started in the game, I didn't know anyone in eJP, I was just another two clicker trying to figure out how the game works. Then I joined DPJ, an inactive party with really dead people in it. I took the game more serious, and I slowly meet some other players.As I meet more people, I realized most of the people are not RL Japanese, there are a few Japanese around, but they don’t communicate in Japanese, instead they communicate with the others in English.

But, it was a pretty nice place even though, even though we are a very small country with ~300 active citizens, there were a lot of activities. Even we aren't very strong, we tried to take the righteous path, such as "Helping our eSK to fight the Theocrats PTO group", or withdrawing Kyushu to allow eUS to pass through to liberate the PEACE colonies in Asia. Though, I didn’t always agree with the leader's decision.

But a lot of things happened in v2, the game became too complicated and a lot of players became unhappy and quitted. And this affected eJP a lot, as a number of older players exited the game, and there were no new blood coming through. eJP became a really quiet and inactive place to be in.

7. What's the situation between eJP and eSK from past to now or even future?

A: The love/hate relationship between eJP and eSK started way beyond my time. So I can't tell you what happened before I started the game.

When I started here, eSK was completely under eJP’s control, basically this is an arrangement to prevent eSK from being PTOed which both sides had agreed to it. Not long after I joined, eSK decided they want to be independent again, and we allowed them to RW a few regions to regain their independent.

Unfortunately, there was a group of highly organized PTO group, known as the Theocrats, and they took this opportunity to gain eSK citizenship during the time when there was no congress (that's the rule at the time). Due to their number, and their military strength, eJapan was defeated by the Theocrats. So, the Theocrats begun their rule in eSK, and the original eSK scattered, some went to eJP, and some went to eUS, etc...

Many months after that, the Theocrats decided to leave eSK, and move back to Europe. eSK regained its independence as the Theocrats transferred power back to the original eSK community and left, and many eSKers left eJP to go back to their own country. At this time, eJP slowly drifted from a neutral country to a Pro EDEN country, as PEACE/PHEONIX is being driven out of Asia, while eSK remained neutral. This is important because a few months after that, eJP declared war on eSK, there are many reasons behind the decision, e.g. boredom, resources, egos, etc... While eJP easily defeated a very unorganized, and weak eSK army, things really turn around after eSK signed an MPP with Russia. eSK regained all of its territories on the mainland.

After the war, the relationship between the two countries begun to normalize, as the first wave of RL Koreans came into eSK.

The RL Koreans newcomers had a fall out with the eSK's older players, and the FSR started to move more and more players into eSK. One day after the December? 2010 election, FSR used their congress majority to impeach Grease to take the presidency from the RL Koreans. The next month, with the help of Japanese ATO, rythemdj was able to defeat Clopoyaur in the election. But as Clopoyaur brought in more people in eSK, the election was all by gone. In a daring plan, eSK cooperated with eJP and eROC to temporarily occupy all of its territories in an effort to force the FSR to a negotiation.

Unfortunately, with the help of Alfagrem, the FSR drove the Japan out and almost wipe them out before they signed a peace deal that barred Japan from helping the eSKers. In a separate peace deal, eROC was given 2 regions by Clopoyaur. Some of the Koreans decided to leave eSK to come to eJapan. In the next few elections, some eJapan citizens went to help the Koreans, as FSR didn't stop at just PTO the country, they also PTOed the party formed by the resistance. Not long after that, Clopoyaur gave eROC a third region in exchange for the help of moving the capital.

The RL Korean babyboom started, and they narrowly defeated the FSR in the congress and presidential election. After the election, CLopoyaur used his congress number to negotiate with the RL Koreans for a power sharing agreement. Just a few months ago, the training war between eROC and Korea had erupted into an all-out war, and with the help of China, eSK almost got wiped, eJP signed decided to sign a MPP with eSK to aid the RL Korean.

With ONE forces swapped through Europe, America and Asia, eROC accepted a ceasefire, about 1-2 days after the ceasefire, the massive babyboom where is supported by both eSK citizens and eJP citizens rocketed the population to >6000 for around a month. With these new citizens, this enable them to take over the parties headed by FSR members, and stop them from running for congress. And of course, just last week, Canada decided to invade Japan, with good coordination, eSK move quickly to block the Canadians from advancing further. And the moment,

I think the two countries are sharing a good relationship with each other. But they are governed very differently, in eSK, you have a very busy administration, and they have a very large but young population. In eJP, you have a small and aging population that has been dominated by the same group of elites. I can't predict the future, but I hope the Korean community would continue the hardwork to develop their young players, and within one years time, they could be a formidable force in the game. Japan, once described by danyeo as a retirement village, where only the veteran players move there for a bit of trolling. I think eJP is in a lot of trouble, and they have been in trouble for a long time. I hope they will find some motivation somewhere to improve themselves.

8. How many government officials are overlapping in eJP and eSK?

A: I don’t know what the question mean. danyeo is the only one who has a government position in both countries.

9. Following with previous quetion, do you think eJP and eSK could make a decision for each other?

They made decision for themselves, I mean the only thing they are collaborating are foreign policies, but that is what allies do. If you look at other areas of government. They still have a separate military, separate welfare services, separate immigration policies, etc....

10. Once again, do you think eJP and eSk are independent or not?

A: This is the same question as the one above, and you will get the same answer for me. You can ask the same question regarding whether eJapan and eUS could make decision for themselves at about 6 months ago, since their relationship was pretty close.

Or you can ask the same question regarding whether eChina and eROC could make decisions for themselves, since once again eChina and eROC are pretty close, to the point where your former MoD Kirk.Xu was eChina's MoD two months and we can cherry-pick that and draw conclusion purely based on that, and that would be a logical fallacy.

11. Do you agree that eJP needs more RL JPer in the future?

A: It need more citizens, no question about it.

12. What's the reason for eSK to wipe eJP this time?

A: At the time we conquered Kanto, we also ended the Canada's NE with Japan. But there were rumour that Canada will try a different tactics to get to the fruit region, namely to RW the Japanese regions that was held by us, and then they can NE Japan again to get to the fruit region they want. Canada has a much stronger army than us and the Japanese. And with the FSR is probably going to side with them. We were in a very difficult position, we have the TW where we are fighting the Japanese, and we have a RW we didn’t know when the Canada or FSR will start.

At the start of the TW, things were already looking pretty bad for Japan as our MPPs were winning the battles easily, I don’t know who actually make the decision to let eSK wiped eJP, but I was told the decision came from Japan and their justification was to end the TW quickly. Because Grease (our president) later shouted Japan has changed their mind and we have to save it, by that time, it was too late, it was 7-0 to us, and we were winning 60-40. I tried to tank, but it didn’t make any impact as the damage from our MPPs keep coming, our effort to save Shikoku was useless.

A lot of people said we wiped them for the resources, but that just doesn't make any sense since we have already given them back most of the regions, included those which was conquered by Canada, I personally spend over 500g on this war and that is just me. Surely, it is just bad business to spend a huge around of gold to get a few more resources for a couple of days. I think getting a new citizenship only cost me 5g, isn't it?

13. Following, did all(most) of the citizens in eJP know they gonna be wiped?

A: that you have to ask the citizens of eJapan, I didn’t go to the Japanese IRC where most of their more active people would stay. My guess is no, if they announce their strategy in game, wouldn't that be the same as telling your enemies your battle plan? What would happen if your enemies know your moves?

When eROC was wiped by eSK recently, did eROC went and tell all(most) of the citizens that they allowed eSK to wipe them so that they can get back on the map a lot easier? If you do that, aren't you running the risk of allowing the Serbians to defeat eSK, and take all of the ROC regions by themselves?

14. Following, do you think the problem can be solved through congress?

A: Time was the issue in that situation, eJP wasn't wiped because of any sort of disputes between the two country, we were under a lot of different kinds of pressure.

1. The game will automatically start the battle even if we don’t want to fight after a certain period of time has passed.

2. Our MPPs > Japan MPPs, which makes it difficult for us to stop them from being wiped.

3. The Canadians and the FSR are already stronger than us, and if we continue to waste damage on the TW (e.g. trying to save Japan from being wiped), it would be very difficult for us to beat them in the RW. So, the TW must be stopped one way or another.

15. Will you come back to eJP in the future?

A: I probably won't, eJP has changed a lot since I have left the country, I still miss the friends I made in eJP, but something has changed.

16. Something else you want to say~

A: Thanks for the interest first of all. It is hard to get an eSK’s, or eJP’s point of view in your media. I mean I read a lot of newspapers in ROC, and I find a lot of problem with them. They are very well written but a lot of them are not based on fact. A lot of writers read their articles without any evidences that support them. A lot of writings are based on private hunches, speculations, and because of that, sometime it misleads other people to believe in something that doesn't exist, and as a result, it creates a lot of misunderstanding.

I think speculations, or in a more professional term, "political commentary" is fine if it based on fact, but if it is not, then it can turn into whatever nightmarish scenario as far as your imagination or fear can take you.

17. More you want to say~

A: 。 ◕ ‿ ◕ 。

18. Finally, do you have lots of friends in eROC?

A: I know a few people in ROC, some of them from the day when I was the advisor for president rythemdj, like aibocow, sisko and ReStar (miss his articles btw). I knew sadanaga quiet well, especially from the BH medals he can't stop getting. I knew chenglap, and have some good discussion, although we probably never agree on anything 😃



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