[M&N][TC/EN] Let's see how ugly FSR is~

Day 1,451, 01:17 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty

Since eSK was wiped, some newspapers were written and published in eSK.
Some of them were organized in English, which I could understand a little bit.
So, let's see what they are talking about~


The first artle I'd like to introduce is written by Clopoyaur
I think he's not a stranger for all of us, but a son of bitch !!
The title is: I am happy, you are free! As simple as can be!

第一篇我要介紹的是 Clopoyaur 寫的文章


Today, I am happy!

The game showed me that I was better than you, RL Koreans. With a group of friends (FSR), 3-4 true allies and with a lot of dedication, we kept this country alive and on the map as long as we were here, besides the fact that we were small (500 inhabitants) and surrounded by countries stronger than us (almost all of them). We fought everyone, including yourself, and we won!

RL SKers,這個遊戲(這場戰役)讓我知道我是比你們厲害的,我們一群朋友(FSR),促成了幾個同盟也付出了很多貢獻,當我們在的時候,我們讓這個國家在地圖上存活下來, 更別說我們當時人口很少(只有500個居民),更環伺著比我們強大的國家(大多數是),我們與所有人為敵,包括你們自己,然而我們贏了!

Today, you are free!

You have proven yourself that you can destroy everything. You have put the ambition of a man (Danyeo) to revenge on China and the hate of another (Grease) to govern your eLifes. You made them presidents and followed them to ”freedom”! Now you are free to travel wherever you want, you dont have what else to destroy, South Korea is not on the map anymore!

你們證明給自己看了,你們總是破壞大多數的事情,你們讓一個人(Danyeo)報復中國的野心與某人(Grease)的憎恨統治了整個 eLifes,你們選他們為總統並追隨他們奔向自由。如今,你們可以到你想去的地方旅遊,也沒有任何東西能夠再被破壞,畢竟eSK已經不再存在這張地圖!


I am happy, you are free! Both sides extremely happy!
Lets cheer up for the heroes!

PS: I never imagined that in the other side of the world I will find so many "bozgori"
*bozgor = man without a country

譯者按:"bozgori" 在 Urban Dictionary 裡可以找到解釋,是用以諷刺匈牙利人的羅馬尼亞話
文雅一點的英文的解釋是:Fucking hungarians

The second one is written by SinclairKim
The title is "My Sincere Answer to all the FSR Articles"

第二篇文章是SinclairKim寫的,這傢伙應該是 RL SKer


Blah Blah Blah..
can't understand a thing!

你水管的連結是 Ke$ha ft. 3OH!3 的歌:Blah Blah Blah

And the same time in the comments of eChina's article
This article: eRepublik not found South Korea
We can see FSR appeared again and sai😛


See, how ugly they are !!!

eROC hates them, eChina hates them, and RL SKer hates them !!!

However, they just like cockroaches, full of everywhere...
What a disgusting group...

As I said( [M&N][TC/EN] 來自FSR的信與 What's true of FSR... ), FSR is...:

Find Someone Real?
There are many illegal accounts in their group...

From Somewhere Ruins
Although eRomania treat us friendly, but FSR makes it ruined...

Full of Somebody who are Refused
That’s why they could only stay in Eastern Asia…

Foolish Stupid Robber
Announce to PTO eROC, what a fool rush in where angels fear to tread?

Forget how to Smile and Respect
So, eC, eSK and eROC are considering they are the enermy…

Poor FSR, You losed your minds and not being respected anymore...


Mewbie Newbie 主編 Newbie