[M&N][外電] 起義新規則? (By resita2009~)

Day 1,469, 07:29 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty


原文連結:Resistance War - New Rules!


This is just the first step of the changes we will make so stay tuned for more!

1. If a citizen supports a Resistance War and that RW does not succeed (the region is not liberated), the citizen cannot start a RW for the next 7 days.

2. A citizen that is blocked 7 days to support, can still see the “Support” button but when clicking on it, the following error message will appear: “The previous resistance war you have supported was not successful, you can support another one starting day X hour y”.

3. If a citizen is a supporter of a RW (that has started or is waiting for 10 supporters), he can still see the "Support" button but when clicking on it, but the following error message will appear: "You can only support one resistance movement at a time".

4. When a RW starts between country X and Y, the supporters of other RWs between the same countries X and Y will be removed from the list and the they will receive the 1000 local currency back and an alert text will appear: "Another resistance war started in a region x. As a result, the 1000 local currency were returned to your account".

5. When a citizen clicks on the Support button, a popup will show the following text: "Support the start of the resistance war with 1000 Local Currency?" with the options "Support" or "Cancel". Also, the citizen will see the 3 following info texts:

- If the resistance war is successful, you'll receive a resistance hero medal on your profile;
- You can only support one resistance war at a time;
- If the resistance war is unsuccessful you will be able to support another one in 7 days.



1. 開啟起義的玩家如果該場起義失敗,該玩家在七天內將不能再次發動起義

2. 被限制不能發動起義的玩家仍然看得到起義發動(Support)鍵,但點擊之後會出現以下對話:

3. 已經發動起義的玩家(無論是已經開始或是在等湊滿十位),仍然可以看到起義(Support)鍵

4. 當兩國之間的起義戰已經發動成功,同樣兩國間其他地區的起義者將會被移除

5. 當玩家點擊起義(Support)鍵之後,會出現一個對話窗顯示:

- 如果成功起義,你會收到一個起義章
- 你只能一次參與發動一場起義
- 如果起義失敗,將必須在七天後才能再次參與發動起義

感謝 Cirmnut 支援圖片



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