[M&N][外電] 被外星人阻擋?(By ONE HQ)

Day 1,351, 01:50 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty

文章標題為[ONE] Stopped by aliens,大約是七個小時前的文章




首先,我們來看看前二十五強的國家排行,這資料來自於統計網站egov4you.info,它從eRepublik API蒐集所有資料並整理。在以下的討論中,親ONE的國家(ProONE)會被認為是ONE,同樣的一些中立國家也會被歸類進去EDEN/Terra方(例如:阿根廷)。下圖中,左邊的資料是Day 1309,而右邊的是昨天,也就是Day 1349的。

其中,馬其頓共和國(Macedonia)在Day 1309因為系統原因而沒有任何資料(譯按:國名有括號的常常會有問題!),但這對接下來的故事並沒有影響,我們可以看到以下各聯盟傷害的長條圖,同樣的,左邊代表Day 1309,而右邊代表Day 1349。

ONE: 1.258.448.870 >>> 2.158.968.300 (70% more)
EDEN: 560.458.070 >>> 851.595.680 (50% more)
Terra: 500.925.400 >>> 501.723.290 (0😵

EDEN + Terra: 1.061.383.470 >>> 1.353.318.970 (27% more)


ONE (26 won battles)

Maramures was secured by Serbia in the war versus Romania
Molise was secured by Serbia in the war versus Resistance force of Italy
Nevada was conquered by Serbia in the war versus USA Al Qasim was secured by Macedonia in the war versus Resistance force of Saudi Arabia
Lazio was secured by Macedonia in the war versus Resistance force of Italy
Upper Egypt was secured by Macedonia in the war versus Resistance force of Egypt
Liguria was secured by Macedonia in the war versus Resistance force of Italy
Al Qasim was secured by Macedonia in the war versus Resistance force of Saudi Arabia

Indiana was secured by Poland in the war versus Resistance force of USA
Paris Isle of France was secured by Poland in the war versus Resistance force of France
Baden-Wurttemberg was secured by Poland in the war versus Resistance force of Germany
Massachusetts was secured by Poland in the war versus Ireland
New York was secured by Poland in the war versus Resistance force of USA
Saxony was secured by Poland in the war versus Resistance force of Germany
Lorraine was secured by Poland in the war versus Resistance force of France
Hesse was conquered by Poland in the war versus Germany
Aquitaine was conquered by Poland in the war versus France

Franche-comte was secured by Hungary in the war versus Resistance force of France
Jiangxi was secured by Hungary in the war versus Resistance force of China

Kansas was secured by Spain in the war versus Resistance force of USA
Missouri was secured by Spain in the war versus USA Vestlandet was secured by Sweden in the war versus Resistance force of Norway

Plovdiv was conquered by Turkey in the war versus Bulgaria
Burgas was conquered by Turkey in the war versus Bulgaria

Visayas was conquered by Indonesia in the war versus Philippines

EDEN/Terra (36 won battles)

New Mexico was conquered by Resistance force of USA in the war versus Serbia
Oltenia was conquered by Resistance force of Romania in the war versus Serbia
Liaoning was conquered by Resistance force of China in the war versus Serbia
Western Siberia was conquered by Resistance force of Russia in the war versus Serbia
Zaporozhia was conquered by Resistance force of Ukraine in the war versus Serbia
Podolia was conquered by Resistance force of Ukraine in the war versus Serbia
Arizona was conquered by Resistance force of USA in the war versus Serbia
Tibet was conquered by Resistance force of China in the war versus Serbia
Urals was conquered by Resistance force of Russia in the war versus Serbia
Transnistria was conquered by Resistance force of Republic of Moldova in the war versus Serbia
Southern Taiwan was conquered by Resistance force of Republic of China (Taiwan) in the war versus Serbia
East Srpska Republic was conquered by Resistance force of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the war versus Serbia
Volhynia was conquered by Resistance force of Ukraine in the war versus Serbia
Banat was conquered by Resistance force of Romania in the war versus Serbia
Inner Mongolia was conquered by Resistance force of China in the war versus Serbia
Bukovina was conquered by Romania in the war versus Serbia
California was conquered by Resistance force of USA in the war versus Serbia
Volga Vyatka was conquered by Resistance force of Russia in the war versus Serbia
Northern Basarabia was conquered by Resistance force of Republic of Moldova in the war versus Serbia
Eastern Taiwan was conquered by Resistance force of Republic of China (Taiwan) in the war versus Serbia
North Eastern India was conquered by Resistance force of India in the war versus Serbia
Federation of BiH was conquered by Resistance force of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the war versus Serbia

Liguria was conquered by Resistance force of Italy in the war versus Macedonia
Thrace was conquered by Resistance force of Greece in the war versus Macedonia
Aegean Islands was conquered by Greece in the war versus Macedonia
Attica was conquered by Resistance force of Greece in the war versus Macedonia

Far Eastern Russia was conquered by Resistance force of Russia in the war versus Poland
Heilongjiang was conquered by Resistance force of China in the war versus Poland
Nunavut was conquered by Resistance force of Canada in the war versus Poland
New Brunswick was conquered by Resistance force of Canada in the war versus Poland

Kyushu was conquered by Resistance force of Japan in the war versus Hungary
Salzburg was conquered by Resistance force of Austria in the war versus Hungary

Pampas was conquered by Resistance force of Argentina in the war versus Spain
Patagonia was conquered by Resistance force of Argentina in the war versus Spain
Cuyo was conquered by Resistance force of Argentina in the war versus Spain
Delaware was conquered by Resistance force of USA in the war versus Spain


讓我們仔細看看Burgenland與Moscow and Central Russia這兩場起義戰




然而,在Moscow and Central Russia就不一樣了,起義戰發生在這個被賽亞人統治的地方,賽亞人可是世界上最優秀的種族,光國內就可以製造超過五億的傷害(如本文上圖),更何況這場戰役還被設定成重要戰役,但結果仍然與Burgenland一役相同,賽亞人七比六戰敗,同樣再一場ONE就能夠獲勝。

雖然我們派了「很多」人到那裡,也創造比對方多的傷害,卻輸了第一輪的戰爭!為什麼會這樣?我們也不知道...然而,我們選擇不保持沉默,我們派了更多的人,以及坦克。Don KronoX個人貢獻了超過八百萬的傷害,Romper與Argrob也在俄羅斯(Russian)方聯手製造了五百萬的的傷害,事實上,我們的大坦們造成的傷害比對方多,我們有全賽亞人的輸出(因為是當日重點戰役),而且還派了大量的坦克...但是,我們卻又戰敗了

於此,ONE內部相當沮喪,所以在 egov4you.info 看看系統所接收到的傷害資訊...下面列出那一輪戰事的最後35分鐘,波波家的軍團所貢獻的傷害:




18:57:33: +2kk from grom
18:57:49: +1.5kk from WP
18:57:55: where is this dmg?






ONE 軍事指揮官 angeldav

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