[Love from eIndonesia to Hungary and Serbia]The Golden Veins of Love

Day 878, 02:54 Published in Serbia Indonesia by Wonder Forward

I hope this article is enough to get me my 2nd MM.

Dear brave and dedicated Hung and Serb soldiers,

As a response, a very late response indeed, to the most important gift you handed to us last week... That is the Western Australia, I seek to say a great thank you on behalf of our nation.

We had so many things we shared back when we were still in PEACEgc.
Romania still conquered half of Hungary and ruled the world, and Serbia hadn't yet existed.

Then we tried our best to challenge Romania and it was only because of your selfless attack on SGP and NGP so many times, inflicting the pride damage on Romania army, that we won WSR.

Then on WSR III, when we were hung out dry with the divine mallet of 220k wall from admin, you guys still supported us through the last hurdle. We owed you guys more than ever can be told.

Our relationship was sweet and golden, like golden veins, and I remembered Shaok and Feherlo very well during the invasion to Canada-USA. It was very fun time and great time.

If there is something we can say, we can sum it like: Hungary can into Indonesia and every Indonesian's heart anytime they want. We will always welcome you.

But then, when Indonesia fell from grace, after the Malaysia war and the fourth Battle of Slavonia, when we seemed distant, and got out from PEACEgc, you were the one who understood us thick and through. Together, we formed the core of ihs, which now became the Phoenix.

We owed that much to you in such dark time, where we are deemed the most barbarous country in the world.

When you were in need after we fell from grace, we rarely could send help. When we were in economic crises last month, you selflessly funded our TW against USA. We all felt very embarrassed with your warmth and sincerity.

We love you Hungary. Love you sooooooooooo much.
Thank you so much for the great friendship, great comrades, and great deeds we had shared together.

Now Serbia,

I remembered back then when Nemanja Ciric was the MoFA, I am the one who translated the history of Serbia to our people. When I read that history, I am in tears.

Not only you were so ruined by Croatia (The Planet Mars people lol) at the start, but suffered economic sabotage. Even in such perilous time, you had always been a dedicated and selfless nation. You offered flying votes to save PTOs around the world, even helped us when we are threatened by Matzanesia...

We never forgot that.
While it's true that Indonesia did her part in liberating your nations, I think we should give great thanks for PEACEgc and Hungary's mobile army for the credit.

But even with our tiny contribution, you guys always helped and cared for us from that moment.
I remembered the legendary battle of Vojvodina where we could reverse 200k wall in manner of minutes,

I remembered the kind and warm welcome I received when I get into eSerbia channel.
Thus, when I became president, I endorsed and planned the Fourth Battle of Slavonia, paid for the American RWs, and funded 3k gold of tanks in the first day battle. It was a memorable battle.

While it was true that in second day, eIndonesia chose to fight Malaysia, and the battle of Slavonia is lost, but eSerbia and eIndonesia had never been closer that day.

Then, when we fell from grace, eSerbia became the mainstay and pillar of the alliance. Always so dilligent, self-sacrificing, diciplined, you showed us what's the meaning of being true to the alliance.
You always scored so much fighters and damage everywhere you were needed.

Even way way before you had the Bridge plan ready, and before you had any high region.
You always cared for us, even suggested that we PTO Malaysia and many other lovely and kind offer from you guys.

Sometimes it was hard to know what exactly you guys are thinking, but we know that we're in love and friends with you guys.

Indonesia had been given the sweetest gift of revival several days ago thanks to VeS, Guardian Angels, and thousands of Serbian fighters, including those in BiH, and other parts of the world, even from South Africa and Brazil.

We're now revived. Thank you so much.

We're ashamed that we can't do much more for you, but knowst that within our heart,
we look up to you now as the one we need to emulate.

Serbia, we love you so much, and thank you for everything you had given to us.

Love u Hungary, Serbia...
Love u too BiA and PHX.

From Indonesia,

penned by...
Wonder Forward

from: Do Not Vote For Wonder Forward Party (DNVFWFP)