[LibPP] Return to Anarchy

Day 1,304, 08:27 Published in USA USA by Marxus

First of all, I would like to thank all the Libs who made this possible today. Thank you for your support and votes.

Now on to important things, such as getting our party in shape. All current Lib leaders are now fired!

Now that we got that out of the way, I am restructuring the leadership.
At the top will be the Party President, because he is the only one with actual in-game power.

I am going to appoint a Party Vice President who will take over when I am unavailable. That's very important.
Everyone else in leadership is going to be a Party Director. What does this mean? It means that they are not over specific avenues but instead take up projects as they come along. This is so I can bring in all possible talent into the party leadership all at once instead of only having specific appointments.

This comes with another aspect of how our party works. We are anarchic libertarians. I want to give my leaders free reign to do what they feel will make this party better, ask very little questions, and generally be awesome.

Want to be a leader? Send me a message with a short paragraph explaining why you would be a great one, and I will review it.

I am sure this question is on your min😛 Who is my Vice Party President?
Why, it's Paul Proteus of course!

To War

I've been going on about war for the past week. What's that all about?

I hereby declare all out war on the Federalist Party.

We want your spot, your congress seats, your members, everything.

Nothing is going to be safe. Not your forums. Not your members.

We're coming for you.

Congress is ours

Run for Congress.
Block for glory.

Congress will be ours. I don't care where we are in the top 5 (because we will be in the top 5), our congressional representation will only be outdone by the USWP and inci. I will settle for no less. We have the best congressmen in the game, and we have been denied representation for too long. Sign those forms and let's do this right.