[LIBERTAS] Party Program Libertas

Day 1,793, 05:08 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

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Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

What a week it has been for the newest political party on the eDutch scene. First of all a moribund party, handed over by the old management to me, has been brought back alive. But most importantly, we have grown from a meager 2 members to a staggering 20 in just a few days. This means we will participate in Congress elections. I want to thank my members for showing interest in a new opposition party and for putting their trust in me, in our latest - and first ever - elections.

Despite that we at Libertas are the newest party on the eDutch political scene, we feel that every party has the responsibility to publish their party program, so that all of you may judge us on what we stand for, what we believe in, and so that we may earn your support based upon this. And not (how it sadly has been recently) because there is no other active party in the eNetherlands to vote for. For these reasons, and many more, we believe that Libertas is needed in our eCountry and we proudly present to you, our fellow eCountrymen, our party program for 2012.

We want to stress that this program only describes our most important ideals and values, to give starters in the political area a chance to have a view regarding our position in eDutch politics, before actually joining us. Each congressional and presidential elections will require a more specific manifest, which we want to work towards with our political sympathizers.

Libertas may still be small, but already it encompasses many individuals of experience. Being led by me: Party President NoTie112, former multiple-term Country President and Minister of both Home and Foreign Affairs, and supported by former Secretary of Defence Xyrrath and former presidential candidate 2DG we feel we have much to offer the eNetherlands.

Libertas stands for Efficiency.
Bureaucracy serves a purpose, no minister, ministry, or even Country President should be without it. It gives the people they are serving insight in their comings and goings, and allows future governments to make well-informed decisions. That being sai😛 Bureaucracy that does not serve this purpose should be gotten rid of. It takes up the valuable time of government members and, when publications come at the rate they are coming now, leads to disinterest. The government should only publicize when it has something to tell, and otherwise focus on performing the tasks they were appointed for.

Libertas stands for Internationalism
An internationally-orientated approach is vital for the further growth of our eCountry, therefor Libertas will fight for the rights of those of foreign nationality that come to our country with no ill intent, and welcome them with open arms. We want to bring the eNetherlands out of its isolation both by actively informing our population regarding international affairs, and pushing a more active international government policy.

Libertas stands for Individual Responsibility for New Players.
Of course the Ministry of Coaching serves a vital purpose, and should never be neglected. But taking our newest players by the hand and guiding them for months should not be a main focus of any government, tasks like this can be taken care of by individual players, political parties, and Military Units, supported by the government with tutorials, the eNL Military Units, and a few select subsidies. New players are better served with subsidies that encourage them to join our community, participate, and find their own goals in eRepublik, then with subsidies that serve as a government sponsored mission where they perform a series of tasks for a set reward. Helping our new eCountrymen through their first steps in eRepublik is always a good thing, but subsidies and government-time that go beyond serving these purposes should be delegated to others.

Libertas stands for a Free eNetherlands.
The people of the eNetherlands should never become complacent with our current situation regarding the Polish menace. Libertas will never accept the status quo. Our eCountry is made up out of four regions, and we should take every opportunity to re-establish this. Whenever our international or financial situation makes it realistically impossible to accomplish our freedom we should be striving to change our position so that one day we will be truly free again. It might take time, it might take effort, but never should we forget this goal! This goal will be strived for at any given time, regardless of the circumstances. The country which occupies us might change, but our urge for freedom will not.

Interested by the pragmatic and realistic motives of our party? Join now and build the foundations of the newest political movement within the eNetherlands!
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