“Discussion” with an eCzech Commie

Day 1,389, 22:29 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by gabberattack

G: What are you doing in Czech Republic?

X: We're fighting to liberate our fatherland, you're fighting to annex us. I can hardly say we're fighting against you.

G: You are not RL Czech, man.

X: I'm the only Czech Citizen who isn't Turkish ;_;

G: Can I quote you?

X: Feel free, do give a link if you do.

G: What is your opinion about Czech liberation bull****?

X: It's not a bull****. We are Czechs liberating Czechs. We hate the Turkish - they have an MPP with Poland, they are our enemies.

G: How can you liberate Czechs if all RL Czechs are with us? Are you liberating them from themselves? In my opinion all you are liberating are congress & presidential medals for some unnamed opportunists.

X: What do you think i'm going to answer?

G: Well, your “great leader” screwed up everything in the past, stole all gold and orgs from Czech Socialist Party in the past (September 2010 to be exact). Is it going to happen again?

X: The revisionists in the party screwed everything up, he did not steal anything.

G: Oh yes, he did.

X: You Slovakians stole the CSSR orgs.

G: Hahaha, you smoke too much.

X: I don't smoke enough.

G: Man, you really have short memory - you forgot your public eRepublik trial? It reminded me of the stalinist processes in RL in the past.

X: Everyone at the prosecution is either dead or a good friend of mine.

G: I am here.

X: “Prosecutor at the trial” and me met up a few months ago.

G: Well, I am planning a trip to London next year, we can meet there and discuss it or are you scared?

X: Yeah, no but I wouldn't get a plane flight to London just to meet you and then be mugged. Because all Slavs are muggers. All Austrians and Belgians are pedophiles, all Dutch are junkies, all Slavs are violent alcoholics, French have bad hygiene, Spaniards are lazy, Italians are done insane from years of lead poisoning, Turks are all perverts, Greeks are all homosexuals, Swedish all have mustaches, Norwegians ride polar bears, Germans are nazis, Finnish are all soldiers, Israelis sind untermenschen.....i can go on

G: So who are the good guys for you?

X: The Soviet New Man - Homo Sovieticus

G: I think your perceptions of various nations are really funny.

X: Add that the Irish live in potatoes and that the people of Turkey speak a made-up language. You're Slavic, isn't that time that could have been spent drinking vodka or eating potatoes?

G: I am Slovak American.

X: I wonder if the Czechs are really as Slavic as they make themselves out to be, they're pretty culturally different to the rest of the Slavs and they are so close to Germany.

G: How do you know?

X: They are a former member state of the Holy Roman Empire.

G: Who are the real life people you like?

X: For example my friend who is a skinhead. He fought fascists in street wars. He could beat the shit out of you.

G: LOL, skinhead fighting fascists?

X: There are communist skinheads and anarchist skinheads.

G: I think most of the skinheads are supporting fascism.

X: No, that's a misconception. Some skinheads are fascists but a lot of skinheads are communist. They fight the skinheads who are fascists. A skinhead is a style, it doesn't have a particular political leaning.

G: Listen, can I use this chat to publish an article?

X: I'd have to look over it first but feel free, just don't take anything i say out of context. Somehow i think i will regret letting you publish all of this.

G: Well, you can react to the article and correct me if something is wrong. Thank you for interview and permission to publish it.

This discussion was created from the longer one, I have fixed misspellings, grammar errors and put the sentences into context to create one logical unit. The identity of the person X was not revealed, if person X wants he/she can do it under the article in a comment.