Повик до чорбаџиите! [lazarosaMKD]

Day 1,576, 12:23 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by lazarosaMKD
среда, 14 март 2012
статија бр.90

Добив задача од Претседателот Aexil Kong да организирам доброволно донирање и собирање на средства за потребите на војувањето а во услови на немање на Конгрес (најмалку до 26-ти Март).

НБРМ нема прилив на средства уште од 25 Февруариа одливот е постојан за:

- организирање на заеднички удари и рефунд
- плаќање на странски војски во важни битки
- организирање на востанија во непријателски земји за одвлекување на штета
- акции за рефунд во вид на тенкови на играчи кои ќе направат над 1 милион штета во важни битки

- бустери за членовите на владата
- службени автомобили, патни трошоци, ручеци
- скапи подароци за швалерките

Се повикуваат првенствено чорбаџиите, богаташите, медарите кој колку може да донира пари и/или q6 тенкови.
Кој колку може, сака, има желба.

Секој кој ќе донира ќе биде додаден во статијава.
Министерство за Финансии нормално ќе има отчет кај се трошат средствата.
Средствата кои ќе се соберат ќе одат во НБРМ а понатаму за тековните трошоци.

Еве за да тргне со арно "донаторскава вечер" од мене за државата 15000 МКД и 100 q6 тенкови.

1. lazarosaMKD 15000 МКД и 100 q6 тенкови.
2. 4a4arA has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
3. Marko Risteski has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
Marko Risteski has transferred 15 Weapons to your storage.
4. Temelce has transfered 4000 MKD to your account.
5. partibreaker has transfered 5000 MKD to your account.
6. gogo master has transferred 18 Weapons to your storage.
gogo master has transfered 574 MKD to your account.
7. Spiromkd has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
8. Mast3R.B0Y has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
9. Buli123 has transfered 5000 MKD to your account.
10. Kanopy has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
11. YoYo.M has transfered 1111 MKD to your account.
12. apocalipsemk has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
13. KilerMKD has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
14. Astral Macedonian has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
15. KilerMKD has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
16. Astral Macedonian has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
17. Davorsk8 has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
18. Paranoyas has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
19. Alexandra Sasha has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
20. Gaol4e has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
21. Jovicaaa has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
22. Kamenkovski has transfered 10000 MKD to your account.
23. FlicGod has transfered 999 MKD to your account.
24. FlicGod has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
25. Prsl00k has transfered 3000 MKD to your account.
26. AngelaDensis has transferred 25 Weapons to your storage.
27. mal1ot has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
28. mal1ot has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
29. AngelaDensis has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
30. Krvnikot has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
31. Bobo3209 has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
32. Bobo3209 has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
33. RealMacedonia has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
34. vojislavp has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
35. vojislavp has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
36. Cistace has transferred 300 Weapons to your storage.
37. Vitez od Kisele Strudle has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
38. mal1ot has transferred 275 Food to your storage.
39. E SukhoiX has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
40. E SukhoiX has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
41. ScitsalpMacedonia has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
42. MKHero has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
43. Branislav1995 has transfered 6666 MKD to your account.
44. MKD DragoN MKD has transferred 600 Food to your storage.
45. Felllix has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
46. Strastniot has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
47. Alexander Macedon has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
48. kamendoliev98 has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
49. kamendoliev98 has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
50. Chuck Norris MKD has transfered 12000 MKD to your account.
51. carmeto has transferred 39 Weapons to your storage.
52. Mitko Bloo Ognenoski has transferred 130 Weapons to your storage.
53. Harvester of Souls has transfered 3000 MKD to your account.
54. CHAOSMKD has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
55. Benito Amilcare M has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
56. Hoban Washburne has transfered 30000 MKD to your account.
57. Benito Amilcare M has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
58. Benito Amilcare M has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
59. Marshal Trajkovski has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
60. Skorpi has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
61. Aspadora has transferred 101 Weapons to your storage.
62. Aleksandar.991 has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
63. falati has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
64. Filip89mk has transfered 4000 MKD to your account.
65. Sasko Makedonski has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
66. MagiMaster has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
67. El Che G has transfered 10000 MKD to your account.
68. MitkoD has transfered 800 MKD to your account.
69. gorgidimitrov has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
70. VojnikMs has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
71. BazeCrnec has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
72. c0vece has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
73. deda_mraz82 has transferred 33 Weapons to your storage.
74. NesumToj has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
75. szeku has transferred 12 Weapons to your storage.
76. MK Stalker has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
77. SphinxMKD has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
78. frozeX has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
79. BalkanBoy 80 has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
80. Vlado Raspaskovski has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
81. Bojan Andonov has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
82. darkan7 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
83. darkan7 has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
84. darkan7 has transfered 300 MKD to your account.
85. doktor dominator has transferred 150 Weapons to your storage.
86. doktor dominator has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
87. Ivan Bot has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
88. dimitar makedonceto has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
89. dimitar makedonceto has transfered 2500 MKD to your account.
90. vaistalermk has transfered 200 MKD to your account.
91. goranarsov has transfered 5000 MKD to your account.
92. Veski tzar has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
93. Zaspana has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
94. JuliaG has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
95. ivanmfshas transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
96. ivanmfs has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
97. Sapience has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
98. Sapience has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
99. VAse the Great has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
100. Martin Tashkoski has transfered 5000 MKD to your account.
101. MakedonJovan has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
102. SpiderWebMKD has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
103. SpiderWebMKD has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
104. Hogar7 has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
105. Emil Smilkov has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
106. Jax6 has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
107. Poplava Golema has transferred 150 Weapons to your storage.
108. vlado77 has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
109. AlexSkopje has transferred 25 Weapons to your storage.
110. AlexSkopje has transferred 280 Food to your storage.
111. AlexSkopje has transfered 2500 MKD to your account.
112. TheTrooper6 has transferred 69 Weapons to your storage.
113. CititoN has transfered 12000 MKD to your account.
114. GhostMKD has transfered 2500 MKD to your account.
115. NeRvOzEn2 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
116. dwa87 has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
117. Risto Ristov has transfered 2000 MKD to your account.
118. dwa87 has transfered 800 MKD to your account.
119. draganmac has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
120. bobi83 has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
121. suckerpunch123 has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
122. unity.one has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
123. Aproximus has transfered 400 MKD to your account.
124. Gjorgi II has transfered 1516 MKD to your account.
125. Gjorgi II has transferred 103 Food to your storage.
126. Gjorgi II has transferred 6 Weapons to your storage.
127. SaJrUs has transfered 5000 MKD to your account.
128. kostapler has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
129. Oliver Hristovski has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
130. partalkoo has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
131. Vince Carter13 has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
132. Vince Carter13 has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
133. Strumjanin has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
134. Vince Carter13 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
135. Baltazarr has transfered 3000 MKD to your account.
136. Mirce_mak has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
137. Mirce_mak has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
138. Romb0 has transfered 5 Gold to your account.
139. stru4nak has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
140. vojvoda ljubo has transfered 1600 MKD to your account.
141. vojvoda ljubo has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
142. Gorancev has transferred 1500 Food to your storage.
143. Gorancev has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
144. DVD cd has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
145. sasa55555 has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
146. benzinMKD has transfered 5 Gold to your account.
147. Voix of Macedonia has transfered 5000 MKD to your account.
148. Macedonian_Lion has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
149. Lord Agrael has transfered 1500 MKD to your account.
150. Lord Agrael has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
151. JunglistMK has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
152. NiXtASFzc has transfered 800 MKD to your account.
153. smekerot has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
154. narozmkd has transfered 1111 MKD to your account.
155. Muhomorka has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
156. porucnik mamli has transfered 300 MKD to your account.
157. dimzaaahas transfered 1069 MKD to your account.
158. Hristijan Mitevski has transfered 4446 MKD to your account.
159. Sparky.Phantom has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
160. Mack01 has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
161. M.I.K has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
162. Avramoski Slave has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.

(во листава ќе бидете додадени сите што ќе донирате)

ДОПОЛНУВАЊЕ: Донирајте овде ----> lazarosaMKD