[Kyle321n Responds] How do we get activity up? Part 2!

Day 793, 12:49 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

This is the second part in a ? part series on how to maintain and raise eUS activity. Yesturday I wrote an article that is good for new and old players alike about the military. (It peaked at #7!) Today I focus on keeping new players in the game before they leave in day 1.

As we all know this game is complex, and it can be very hard to fall into the deepest and darkest parts of eLife. Sometimes we need some help.

Perhaps Lana can offer noobs a sword?

We do a ton for new players, Meals on Wheels, The Welcoming Committee, Guns for Huns, mentorship programs. It's all wonderful stuff, but more can be done. In some research I did, most citizens who receive a PM before they sign out on their first day, are more inclined to come back for a second day. Now I've been doing this as their employer, so it may be difficult for the government to do and keep up over a long period of time. To their credit, Jude Connors, Maxx Johnson, and the entire Community Development Program have done an awesome job, sending out 1200 messages already this week. But I bet you didn't know much about that. I didn't.

Maybe more people should know about this...

They struggle to get people before they sign out the first day though. How can we get people before they sign off?

The Number One Way: Businesses. Many businesses hire new players. I know mine do. I enjoy new players. Do you realize that if you hire a noob, and train him, and teach him how to raise his wellness up, and gift him that he will end up making you bank around level 2? At level 3 if he's still working for you and you keep his salary close to the job market's, then you have people who are making you a good amount of money.

They may even be more inclined to buy from you!

The Number Two Way: Political Parties. You think I'm about to give away a recruiting scheme? Well guess what, I am. Send messages to brand new players before they sign off on the first day. If you are a top 5 party you have 600+ some people who can handle this. If you get 20 or 30 people who are really involved, you can get the noobs messages out there, and teach them and after a while you'll have people who received these messages saying "Hey check out our party's forums for some fun" looking for a party. They'll have to make a choice, someone who took care of them when they were young, or someone who doesn't know them.

If you selected A, the item which is easily purchased at other points throughout the game instead of B, the item which can only be obtained from the old man, then YOU FAIL. You are stupid and worthless. I will be over shortly to administer mandatory euthanasia.

The Number Three Way: Become Max McFarland 2 and offer him jobs and hospitals and tickets to fortresses. Wait, you need to be super rich, or super GOLD buying to do that, so contact the Flying Unicorn Squadron if you want to hand out tickets or Community Development Program to send messages to noobs. They can really use some help. And if they don't need the help they can direct you to the Mentorship Program, Welcoming Committee, Department of Education, or Salvation Army and you can help out there.

There's a Q5 hospital there, duh. There's also one in California and Karnataka.

Now here's the real secret: You get involved with these programs, and it looks good when you are trying to get into congress. Party leaders get to know you, new players learn your name, and the current administration members get to know you. That has to be the #1 PM I get from people, "How do I become a congressman", well boom there's one way, and the other one is in my previous article.

And for the advise I just gave you fool!

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