[Kyle321n Responds] How do we get activity up?

Day 792, 10:41 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

There's been a ton of talk on how to get activity in the eUS up. Some claim that Q2 hospitals will do it, others claim that we need war on a constant basis. I think I have a few ways to stay active, and in the next few articles I'm lay out some plans that will maintain and raise activity in the eUS.

Today I'm going to tell you A LOT about the military. This is for old and new players alike, if you are not in the military, regardless of your political aspirations, you should join. Did you know that our last 3 presidents were in the Airborne? Even yours truly started off his political career showing his activity level in the Training Division.

Interested in joining with the eUSA military to fight for America, become a well trained soldier, and meet some cool guys in the process? The first step on that path is knowing which branch of the military is right for you.

Now for the more in detailed look into the different branches.

Table of Contents
Training Corps
Home Guard
Mobile Infantry
US Army
Airborne Division
Marine Corps
Strategic Air Command
Non Military Forces
Apply to join today!

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Training Corps

Commanding Officer: General Angelini
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Relin
Strength: No Minimum
In-Game Rank: No Minimum
Activity: Average to Moderate. While it is not necessary to be on the Erepublik all day every day, a moderate level of activity is encouraged, as a soldier who is not active will not make it very far in the eUS Military
Description: Training Corps is a branch of the eUS Armed Forces dedicated to building the defense system of eAmerica. We take raw, fresh recruits and turn them into the Marines of tomorrow. This is the place where the new recruits make friends in game and also learn about the military of the eUnited States. During your stay in the Training Corps, you will go through boot camp, learning the in's and out's of the game, as well as a stint in the Reserves, where you will get the chance to apply the lessons you learned in boot camp in a practical application. US citizenship is required.

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Home Guard

Commanding Officer: General Jankems
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Trista Devonaire

Strength: 5+
In-Game Rank: No Minimum
Activity: Moderate. You will need to check eRep and the military forum for orders daily. IRC is not required, but is encouraged.
Description: The Home Guard is the last line of defense. Their job is to protect our homeland from enemy invaders. To do so they remain vigilant from within our country: that is, they do not generally deploy out of country.

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Mobile Infantry

Commanding Officer: General beerman616
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Seuss
Strength: 8+, We prefer recruits who come from the TC and will sometimes make exceptions to the strength requirement for them.
Rank: No Minimum
Activity: Moderate. We are tending towards a more active branch. Soldiers are expected to check orders on the forum several times a day and are highly encouraged to participate on IRC. You must be willing and able to deploy on command.
Description: Mobile Infantry is a branch of the US Armed Forces dedicated to the defense of eAmerican interests at home and abroad. They deploy regularly, so they only accept soldiers who are able and willing to break business and party ties for days at a time. They look for active, dedicated soldiers who are willing to fight for their country and follow orders quickly and without question. Ability to register for and check our military forums regularly is a must.

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US Army

Commanding Officer: General NXNW

Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Hadrian X
Strength: 9+, Will sometimes make exceptions for TC graduates with lower strength and high ratings.
Rank: Captain, though exceptions maybe granted on a case-by-case basis
Activity: Must be very active, be able to check for orders 2 to 3 times per day on the military forum. Being on IRC is preferred, but not a deal breaker.
Description: The Army is the main force of the United States, able to be deployed wherever and whenever the President needs.

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Airborne Division

Commanding Officer: General Maxmillian VonWillebrand

Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Channing

Strength: 11+
Rank: Captain+ - (this may be raised depending on the number of applicants) Exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis.
eRep Age: 6 months minimum
Activity: Must be very active, be able to check for orders 3 to 4 times per day on the military forum. Being on IRC is mandatory.
Description: The basic premise of the Airborne is that they can arrive with such speed that a coherent defense cannot be mounted against them for some time. Airborne forces are military units set up to be moved by aircraft and 'dropped' into battle. Thus they can be placed behind enemy lines, and have an ability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning.

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Commanding Officer: Commandant Sukoidha
Executive Offier: Vice-Commandant Paradiziac
Strength: 16+
Rank: General
Activity: Very High. This is no place for 2-clickers. You need to check eRep and the military forum for orders several times a day, and you need to be flexible and able to deploy on short notice. Furthermore, IRC activity is highly encouraged.
Description: In a nutshell, they are eMerica's finest. The Marines are a brotherhood of the most strong and dedicated soldiers the eUS and the eWorld has to offer. They are the first and most frequent to deploy, they get the best weapons, and they take those brick walls down in no time. Our enemies fear them and our allies love them.

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Strategic Air Command

Commanding Officer: General Galbatorix9z
Executive Officers: Lt. General Isaac Sumizone (Operations)
Lt. General Ayn Ehlora (Support)

Requirements: Experience Level 6

Activity: Above Average/High

Description: The Strategic Air Command is split into two parts, Artillery Division and the regular SAC. AD is for single enlistment only, no other military branch. SAC is for the people in other branches here to help. AD must be very active. The SAC moves out to other countries and helps stabilize the elections, and get EDEN friendly candidates. The AD specifically infiltrates other countries, and goes undercover for long periods of time. The AD is the front line of the SAC, going out on all the major missions, defensive and offensive alike. The regular SAC generally operates as backup to the AD.

1. You must be willing and able to be mobile and ready to move on the nights of elections.

2. You must be willing to vote where ordered, and not the eUSA.

3. You must be willing to check the military forums for orders.

4. You must be willing to maintain Operational Security.

5. You must be willing to participate in IRC chat regularly.

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Seal Team 6
Resistance War Specialists

- No affiliation with the military.
- 5 Strength and up.
- 2 Tickets.
- Flexibility for efficient deployment.

Above Medium/Above Average

We have beaten back PEACE, we have expelled them from most of their initial conquests. Many have cheered since our victory over eIndonesia and ultimately over eRussia. However PEACE has not abandoned its imperialistic dreams, on the contrary they are working hard to disrupt our alliances and undermine our allies around the world. They continue to attack and at times, unfortunately conquer land that rightfully belongs to our allies. While our military forces continue to fight PEACE around the world with conventional tactics the unconventional war demands our attention. That's where Seal Team 6 comes in. This is an organization with one aim, fight PEACE on the very ground they have taken from our allies. RWs is the name of the game. We are looking for committed players, players who are willing to fight not only for their homeland but for those who have so bravely fought for us. The operations that will be undertaken can last several days, thus if you have prior obligations Seal Team 6 might not be for you. If your interested in bringing the fight to PEACE and returning the land PEACE is using to fund this war to its original owners then feel free to apply.

*Your welcome to purchase weapons of your choice however if you are unable to to do so we will supply you with 10 weapons prior to each battle.

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Once you've read this...
If you are in the military share your story here. So many people have had great experiences and have formed great relationships within the military. The bonds that you build here last an eLifetime. You may have noticed that I left out the forms for application. They can be found here, but it was requested I didn't put them here.

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