[Krixuz]Presentation and joining the military

Day 1,192, 13:50 Published in USA USA by Krixuz

Dear readers,
The day has come for me to introduce myself. My name is Krixuz and if we will play this game together, maybe it would be nice of me to introduce myself.

I was born at day 1,106 but later stopped playing for like 1 month, now I have found my motivation to keep playing - the military and the USWP. I will serve and do all I can do to help my country. I have not accomplished much yet, but I hope to be able to do so soon. I have graduated at the Training Corps and I'm trying to be a better soldier every day. I'm not a strong or rich tank but you will at least still see me on the battlefield. I hope that I can get to know new people and you can always contact me in-game or on the IRC. This is my new newspaper "A Soldier's Thoughts". Please vote and subscribe if you like my articles.

Today I want to talk about the military and I want you to join if you are not already part of it. Why? Because it's awesome and you will meet really nice people!

Step 1
Take a minute to learn about the military module. You can read about almost everthing on the erepublik wiki.

Step 2
Decide If you are ready. Are you ready to protect your country? Because the US army are ready for you. The army isn't for everybody. If you think that you can be active enough and to follow orders you should send in your application today!

Step 3
Choose the right path. There is several different branches to join. There is the Training Corps, National Guard, Mobile Infantry, Army, Cavalry, Airborne, and the Marine Corps. The TC is the door to a higher branch. Be sure to be active and to have the right strenght and rank for the right branch. And don't forget that if you don't want to join any of these branches, then you can join a militia. There is several militias like: SEAL Team 6 (ST6), America's Libertarian Armed Resistance and Militia (A.L.A.R.M), Easy Company (EZC), and S.E.E.S. Super Soldiers.

Information about the U.S Military can be found here: http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,484.0.html
Information about the Militias can be found here: http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,1487.0.html

Step 4
Apply. Remember that you have to have graduated in TC before joining another military branch for the most cases. TC graduation is highly encouraged by the other branches. You can get in if you get recommendations but through the TC is the best way to go.

Step 5
Wait. Be patient. To be a officer or recruiter is a hard job. So just wait a couple of days and you will probably get a message that is notifying you if you can join or not.

Are you a new player? Join the TC today!

Yours sincerely,