[KQ] Insert Song Title Here

Day 1,152, 11:51 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

Message from the editor: Sorry about the mess 😁 It's a little tough using as many song titles from your playlist as possible in an article. But as far as I can see, changing style from what used to be for a bit makes things more interesting.

All at once, a gold rush is starting

It is high noon in our digital world, and we have some very busy people. People who will play games for days for what may end up as only a consolation prize. In these winter winds of the new year, citizens will step right up, as a leader, to answer the questions of how we should continue in our "wonderland". Mechanically, only a treasure map awaits their success, but the development they hope to bring is their real reason. We aspire, and we run.

So what should we expect as we approach the 5th? Many candidates, but moreso, many articles. If I were a tree, I'd take these candidacy announcements as early warnings, for much paper will be consumed and many ideas will be presented. Here it comes, the war to control voter support, as candidates turn off their autopilot as regular citizens and man the battlestations for their campaign. What will they talk about, and what are my eyes to see? Economy, military, justice, new players talk; it seems it's always like this. Though these topics are the main aspects, they hardly make the choir whole. I'd be interested to hear another song from our singers as well. Maybe not even something new, but something different that gives us a better view of the candidates, instead of foreign thoughts about the candidate. That is, if not indirectly, why we campaign.

Getting to the point (and in English...), I'd like to encourage Country President candidates to talk about more than just the "usual" hot topics. There are more things that affect eCanada than just the main topics, so it'd be interesting to hear opinions about the less talked about stuff as well.

Also, I'd like to encourage everyone to let the candidates know what you'd like to hear the candidates talk about. You are deciding who wins, so why not partially decide what they talk about as well?

Thanks for reading,

If I were a fish, I'd work all day over the weekend, minute by minute, and gather a list of demands. To some it comes easy, but, lately, I knew I couldn't fit all the song titles in 🙁 This is how it ends.