[JELLY] Important Situation - National Security Distruption

Day 1,308, 18:32 Published in Lithuania Indonesia by o0n3m00o

Dear my fellow Lithuanian from our lovely jellyland.

Based on this article, and this article, there are some incidents happened that could disturb our national goal at the future. We need to explain carefully this matter to you and hope the Gov can do necessary action related to this issue.

For Lithuanian Gov
For your information, in order to push us out from this country, more then 50% of the power of National Army of eIndonesia has take a mission to go against us on any battle field that we are fighting. It happened just few minutes ago in Norway RW, they push the bar and changes the position of win to lose. We expect formal objection notice to be sent to Indonesian government related to the issue.

Therefore in order not to make anymore strain on the relationship between the twonation With regret we cant help you directly in your official campaign.

Few Explanation
When we leave our ancestor's land long time ago, we have no problem, no debt or anything to anyone in Indonesia. Also we did that in order to let Indonesian has new regeneration on its country. Things like this are the reason that make us leave indo in the 1st place. When Indonesia attacked by enemy and in critical condition, we follow Lithuanian Gov order to defend them and we did that. Against China? USA? you name it. So we do really dont understand why they disturb our living in peace here.

To Indonesian Gov
Just like I mentioned on pm to ostin, any request to us should be sent to Lithuanian Gov. We only receive order from Lithuanian Government and our Goddess Lelliana. WE enjoy living here and never disturb or did anything bad to our ancestor. So please be professional and dont be childish. Send formal request to Lithuanian Gov or Lelliana if you need help from us.

To Jelly member
Please dont get alarmed. I knew many of us got sad and sorry for what has been happened in our ancestor now. But we need to calm down so they will understand what is right and what is wrong. Hurt so bad on why in our peace there are some ppl who dont like it. Hope our Goddess Lelliana can give their soul in peace.

To all jellyland's citizen, yeah you guys lithuanian who made us falling in love to you. We are sorry since we wont help your campaign for a moment. No we wont go to anywhere since we have found our heaven.

With love and jelly
hail mumun!
hail Lelliana!

To our member mumun, hope that you are getin well soon and for threesecond's mom, hope your mother get well soon as well.