[jargon|en] Vote What You Know

Day 916, 18:00 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

In the elections to Parliament, I encourage you to not vote. Do you really know who you're voting for?

No. You don't.

You don't know who you're voting for because you probably don't know what you're voting for. While we do many things well in eCanada, one thing that we tragically don't do well is educating our youth.

One of the signs of a true leader is when that leader prepares for people to follow. People get old, get all ragequit, get drama thrown at them, get all RL, get the wanderlust; things happen. Then they leave. So when everyone leaves, who will take their place in eCanada? Certainly not me. I have no idea what's going on here. I'd like to know, but Parliament updates are few and far between, and most of Parliament takes place in Closed Door Congress. Are you prepared to step in and become a MP? Didn't think so.

As a middle power, we don't exactly have a lot of people to work with. It is in our best interest, then, to make sure that each and every eCanadian is ready to advance politically, among other things, to prepare for anything that might happen. We have plenty of structures in place to make this happen, such as the mentor program and the University of eCanada, and we value them so much that our MPs, who make up the vast majority of candidates for re-election, have let them fall by the wayside. Thanks for making education a priority in eCanada.

So, when you're an informed citizen, vote your conscience. But until then, vote for what you know. On Election Day, two-click and sit out the election. It's all our leaders expect from us anyways, right?