[jargon|en] Silenced No More

Day 1,085, 06:29 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

Grand Frere Jacques wants you to believe that only atoms is making up this whole conspiracy - that only atoms is deleting his own comments and blaming it on some anonymous admin.

You and I know better, though. We know that only atoms's opinion is so important, so challenging to the status quo, that Grand Frere Jacques has no choice but to delete all of his comments except for the ones where he complains about how his comments were deleted.

You will be silenced no more, only atoms. We stand with you in solidarity and ask that you post any and all comments here from now on. I have used my connections with the admin to prevent comments from being deleted from this article, and am happy to assume any FPs that may come as a result of hosting your controversial opinions, whether I must post them in screencaps or retyping or whatever. As an ardent believer in the freedom of speech, I have no choice but to take such a hardline stance against censorship.